17 JANUARY 2020
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Supersedes: AFPD 91-4, 31 August 2017
Certified by: AF/SE
(Maj Gen John T. Rauch)
Pages: 5
This Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) establishes Air Force military-specific directed energy
system safety policy. Directed energy systems provide unique capabilities and produce a broad
spectrum of hazards. This AFPD implements the applicable portions of Department of Defense
(DoD) Instruction (DoDI) 3200.19, Non- Lethal Weapons (NLW) Human Effects
Characterization; DoDI 6055.15, DoD Laser Protection Program; and DoDI 6055.11,
Protecting Personnel from Electromagnetic Fields. This publication applies to Regular Air
Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard units and personnel. Ensure all records created
as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with Air
Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with
the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule located in the Air Force Records Information
Management System. Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to the
Office of Primary Responsibility using the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of
Publication; route AF Form 847 from the field through the appropriate functional chain of
command. This publication may not be supplemented. Major commands, field operating
agencies, and direct reporting units, if applicable, will not issue instructions that implement this
policy directive without Air Force Chief of Safety (AF/SE) approval.
This document has been substantially revised and needs to be completely reviewed. Major
changes include incorporation of military-specific directed energy systems into policy, updated
definitions, clarified military-specific acoustic system policy, and minimized acronym use.
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1. Overview.
1.1. The Air Force will ensure military-specific directed energy systems receive treatment
distinct from conventional or nuclear systems because of their characteristics which may
include speed-of-light delivery, range, and varied effects. Directed energy systems require a
scalable, risk-based approach to safety that is commensurate with the hazard potential of each
1.1.1. A directed energy system may be a weapon or device used to achieve a desired
effect. Military-specific directed energy systems are defined as those systems used for
combat, combat training, or are classified in the interests of national security. Directed
energy weapons are designed to kill, injure, disable or temporarily incapacitate people or
destroy, damage, disable or temporarily incapacitate property or materiel. Devices, as
non-weapon systems, use directed energy primarily for a purpose other than as a weapon.
1.1.2. Military-specific acoustic systems use sound across the entire frequency spectrum
to kill, injure, disable or temporarily incapacitate people or destroy, damage, disable, or
temporarily incapacitate property or materiel. A military-specific acoustic system may be
a weapon or a device. Military-specific acoustic systems, although outside the joint
definition of directed energy systems, have effects and hazards more similar to directed
energy systems than to conventional weapons. Military-specific acoustic systems will
follow the same safety policy as military-specific directed energy systems.
1.2. The Air Force will ensure protection of personnel, property, operational capability and
the environment from undue risk of damage or harm from military-specific directed energy
systems, consistent with mission requirements.
2. Policy. The Air Force shall:
2.1. Establish and conduct a military-specific directed energy safety program to ensure the
safe research, development, testing, operation, training, maintenance, storage,
decommissioning, and disposal of these systems. As an element of this program, the Air
Force will use applicable DoD regulations, and federal laws and regulations, as well as
appropriate standards developed or adopted by national or international engineering, science,
and safety organizations.
2.2. Establish and conduct a safety certification process for military-specific directed energy
systems. Directed energy systems must have a safety certification from the AF/SE prior to
fielding or operational testing, training, or operation by non-developmental personnel. Non-
developmental personnel are individuals who are typical operators that validate that the
system under test can effectively execute its mission in a realistic operational environment
when operated against representative threats. These personnel verify that the system is built
correctly in accordance with the specification and contract to validate that the system can
successfully accomplish its mission in a realistic operational environment
2.3. Investigate mishaps involving military-specific directed energy systems in accordance
with AFPD 91-2, Safety Programs, and other directives as appropriate.
3. Roles and Responsibilities.
3.1. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment and Energy
AFPD91-4 17 JANUARY 2020 3
3.1.1. Provides guidance, direction and oversight for safety and occupational health
policy for military-specific directed energy systems.
3.2. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition, Technology & Logistics)
3.2.1. Ensures inclusion of military-specific directed energy systems safety requirements
in acquisition policy.
3.2.2. Ensures military-specific directed energy systems are evaluated by the Air Force
Research Laboratory or an Air Force Safety Center and Air Force Research Laboratory
acceptable third party for the effects of directed energy on human targets.
3.3. The Air Force Chief of Safety (AF/SE):
3.3.1. Develops military-specific directed energy systems safety policy and procedural
3.3.2. Ensures compliance with safety policy and development by maintaining
instructions to implement this directive, and is the certification authority for directed
energy system safety.
3.3.3. Determines the utility/applicability of standards developed or adopted by national
or international scientific safety organizations.
3.3.4. Establishes military-specific directed energy systems testing and employment
proximity restrictions pertaining to nuclear and conventional weapons.
3.3.5. Appoints subject matter and technical experts as appropriate to support the Human
Effects Review Board specified in DoDI 3200.16 and the working groups specified in
DoDI 6055.11 and DoDI 6055.15.
3.4. The Air Force Surgeon General (AF/SG):
3.4.1. Issues directive policy for the protection of Air Force personnel and the general
public from overexposure to noise, nonionizing radiation, and ionizing radiation in
accordance with AFPD 48-1, Aerospace and Operational Medicine Enterprise (AOME),
to include:
3.4.2. Completing health risk assessments.
3.4.3. Recommending health risk controls.
3.4.4. Documenting human exposure.
3.4.5. Identifying medical monitoring requirements, and identifying diagnostic and
therapeutic modalities for injuries and diseases related to military-specific directed
energy systems operations.
3.4.6. Appointing subject matter and technical experts as appropriate to support the
Human Effects Review Board specified in DoDI 3200.16 and the working groups
specified in DoDI 6055.11 and DoDI 6055.15.
3.5. The Director of Test and Evaluation (AF/TE):
3.5.1. Provides direction and guidance to ensure test organizations assess safety
standards and hazards prior to testing.
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3.6. The Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (AF/A3):
3.6.1. Ensures military-specific directed energy systems safety requirements are
implemented in military range and operations policy.
3.7. Major Commands:
3.7.1. Advocate for developmental and operational testing of military-specific directed
energy systems.
3.7.2. Advocate for funding, research, development, test and evaluation, and manpower
to ensure sufficient resources are available to develop and implement the military-
specific directed energy system safety program.
3.8. Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), in addition to the roles and responsibilities in
paragraph 3.7:
3.8.1. Supports development of safe military-specific directed energy systems.
3.8.2. Evaluates the human target effects of directed energy systems in concert with data
produced by the Air Force Research Laboratory.
3.8.3. Conducts medical and health effects consulting, education and training.
3.9. Air Education and Training Command (AETC) commander, in addition to the roles and
responsibilities in paragraph 3.7:
3.9.1. Develops directed energy curricula and provides training and education to satisfy
career field requirements.
3.10. Commanders at all levels:
3.10.1. Understand the capabilities and hazards of directed energy systems as applicable
to their mission.
3.10.2. Incorporate military-specific directed energy system safety and health
considerations, consistent with applicable test, training, or operational requirements in
their mission planning, decisions, and operations.
3.10.3. Be aware of safe-use requirements and applicable host nation laws and advise
subordinate commanders when outside the United States, its territories, or possessions.
Barbara Barrett
Secretary of the Air Force
AFPD91-4 17 JANUARY 2020 5
Attachment 1
DoDI 3200.19, Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Human Effects Characterization, 17 May 2012
DoDI 6055.11, Protecting Personnel from Electromagnetic Fields, 19 August 2009
DoDI 6055.15, DoD Laser Protection Program, 4 May 2007
AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, 1 March 2008
AFPD 48-1, Aerospace & Operational Medicine Enterprise (AOME), 7 June 2019
AFPD 91-2, Safety Programs, 3 September 2019
FDA Exemption No. 76EL-01, Department of Defense Exemption from the FDA Performance
Standard for Laser Products, 1976
Adopted Forms
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AETCAir Education and Training Command
AF/A3Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations
AF/SEAir Force Chief of Safety
AF/SGAir Force Surgeon General
AF/TEDirector of Test and Evaluation
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFMCAir Force Materiel Command
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
NLWNon-Lethal Weapons
SAF/AQAssistance Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition
SAF/IEAssistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment and Energy