Leverett House – Pre-Law Student Handbook
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Last updated August 2019
Leverett House
Pre-Law Student
Leverett House – Pre-Law Student Handbook
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Table of Contents
Part I. Leverett House’s Role
1) Services Provided by the Leverett House Pre-Law Committee
a) Provide General Advice
b) Help with Law School Application Materials
c) Provide Information about Law-Related Opportunities for Students
2) Members of the Pre-Law Advising Committee
Part II. The Decision-Making Process
1) Deciding If You Should Apply to Law School
2) Planning Ahead – Using Your College Years to Prepare for Law School
3) The Law School Experience
a) Cost of a Legal Education
b) First Year Experience
c) The Socratic Method
d) Extracurriculars in Law School
4) The Legal Profession
a) Private Firm Practice
b) Public Sector Practice
c) Academia
d) International Practice
e) Business and Other Jobs
5) Finding and Funding a Legal Internship or Post-Graduate Job
a) On-Campus Recruiting
b) Independent Job Searches
c) Fellowships, Scholarships, Grants, Stipends and Federal Work Study
Part III. The Law School Application Process
1) Components of the Law School Application
Chart: Components of the Law School Application
a) Application Form
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b) Letters of Recommendation
c) GPA/Transcript
e) Personal Statement
2) Materials to Submit to Leverett House
3) Packaging your Law School Application - The CAS
4) Admissions Criteria
5) Timing Issues
a) General Timing Issues
b) Pre-Law Detailed Timetable
c) Taking Time Off Before Applying to Law School
d) Deferrals
6) Cost of Applying to Law School
7) Selection Criteria for Choosing Law Schools
a) Number and Type
b) Prioritizing Selection Criteria
c) Public Interest-Friendly Law Schools
8) Deciding To Pursue a Joint Degree
9) Waitlists & Reapplying
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Part I. Leverett House’s Role
1) Services Provided by the Leverett House Pre-Law Committee
Leverett House’s Pre-Law Committee provides four main services to students and alumni:
a) Advising for Law School Applications
If you decide to apply to law school, Leverett House will assign you a tutor during the
summer or early fall of the year in which you are applying. This tutor will serve as your
primary advisor through the law school application process. In order to be assigned a pre-law
advisor, email resident tutors Harleen Gambhir and David Sackstein, who can be reached at
Your pre-law advisor will be available to walk you through the application process. Perhaps the
most important role of your pre-law advisor is to help you explore why you want to attend law
school and help you determine which law schools may be the best fit for you.
Although you will be assigned a specific advisor when you are ready to apply to law school, you
don’t have to wait until senior year to access the Pre-Law Committee.
Attend our advising sessions and pre-law meetings (including the Fall Introductory Pre-Law
Meeting, Pre-Law Office Hours, Other Pre-Law Events (e.g. “Day in the Life of a Lawyer”
Panel), and the Leverett House Academic Advising Meetings in the dining hall each
semester). Review the biographies of our pre-law tutor staff. Remember that in addition to our
resident tutor staff, we have a wonderful nonresident staff with diverse interests and experiences.
Find all of the tutors’ email addresses on our website under Pre-Law Committee and Contact
Information.” Set up a meeting – perhaps over a meal in the dining hall – with a pre-law tutor
who has interests similar to your own. Just remember that tutors often have very busy schedules,
so please do not assume they will be able to meet with you immediately after you contact them.
b) Help with Law School Application Materials
Law school applications are typically submitted to law schools through an application assembly
service offered by the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) called the Credential Assembly
Service (CAS). While you are responsible for subscribing to this service when you apply to law
school (or for submitting your application through another available option, if the schools to
which you apply offer one), Leverett House can keep electronic copies of letters of
recommendation on file as a back-up, for future applications, or for future reference. Leverett
House can also complete any required Dean’s Certification Forms through Leverett House. See
Part III. The Law School Application Process for more information on letters of recommendation
and Dean’s Certification Forms.
The Leverett House Academic Coordinator ([email protected]) manages the
materials in your House file, including electronic copies of letters of recommendation, Dean’s
Certification forms, and other relevant materials. If you have questions about which of your
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materials are currently in your file (e.g., if a particular letter of recommendation has been
received), check with the Leverett Academic Coordinator in the House Office. Your pre-law
advisor does not have direct access to your House file.
c) Advising for Legal Careers
In addition to guiding you through the requirements for your law school application, the Pre-Law
Committee also provides information to help you decide if you want to become a lawyer. This
Handbook is the most comprehensive resource we offer. In addition, this year we expect to
provide the following: panels and get-togethers in the House on law school and other relevant
legal issues, email information about relevant law-related events at the College and Law School,
and opportunities to attend law school classes with a pre-law advisor. See the website tab “Link
to Other Resources” for additional resources including websites, books, and films.
2) Members of the Pre-Law Advising Committee
For the names and profiles of this year’s Leverett House Pre-Law Advising Committee, see our
website, “Pre-Law Committee and Contact Information.” Our Pre-Law Committee is headed by
Committee Chairs who live in the House. Each year, additional pre-law tutors may also live in
the House. We have a wonderful staff of nonresident pre-law tutors (NRTs) who are also
available to provide you guidance. Pre-Law NRTs, who are often current Harvard Law School
students or recent graduates, do not live in the House but have meal and other privileges. The
Assistant to the Resident Dean provides a critical role in the law school application and will
manage your Leverett House file. Bilal Malik, the Allston Burr Resident Dean, oversees the
advising system. Only Bilal Malik, not the resident and nonresident tutor staff, has access to
information about any academic or disciplinary actions that may have been filed against you
(e.g., if you have ever been on academic or disciplinary probation).
The Pre-Law Committee can be reached at leverettprelaw@gmail.com.
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Part II. The Decision-Making Process
1) Deciding Whether You Should Apply to Law School
How do I know if I should apply to law school?
There are a variety of ways to help determine if law school and practicing law makes sense for
you, including:
Talking to your pre-law tutors. Your pre-law tutors are a great resource for advice and
information. Remember that the nonresident tutor staff is available to meet with you and
answer your questions.
Talking to current law students and practicing attorneys. You may have friends who
graduated from Leverett House and are now in law school or practicing law. Talk to them
about their experiences.
Working in law-related internships or jobs. Many students believe they should work in a
legal internship or job to get into law school. This is a myth. Law schools are interested
in students from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Many law school applicants
have participated in legal internships, so having done so will not necessarily distinguish
you. However, working in a law job may help you decide if the legal environment is the
right fit for you.
Even if you do not get “substantive” work in your legal internship, it can still be a valuable
experience. Use your internship to observe how attorneys spend their time. Observe how they
interact with one another and with clients. Observe their moods and stress level. Think about
whether you could see yourself in their job. Further details about finding a law-related internship
are discussed in subsequent sections of this Handbook.
Shadowing attorneys. You may not need to do a summer- or year-long internship to get a
good sense of what an attorney in a particular type of practice does. Shadowing an
attorney for a day or a week can be valuable. Find opportunities through Harvard’s Office
of Career Services (OCS) and Center for Public Interest Careers (CPIC). Remember that
there are a variety of types of lawyers and legal jobs; therefore, merely because you do
not like one type of practice setting does not necessarily mean you will not like another
type of legal job.
Visiting law school classes. Ask your pre-law tutor if you can attend class with him or
her. It’s important to keep in mind that the law school classroom environment is very
different from the practice of law. Merely because you like or dislike a law class does not
necessarily mean you will like or dislike the practice of law.
Reviewing a case book. One way to figure out if you will enjoy law school is to review a
case book. A significant amount of work in law school involves reading legal cases (i.e.,
legal decisions written by judges about specific controversies between parties). While
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you likely will not be able to understand the substance of the case, you will be able to get
a feel for the type of reading required in law school.
Reading books and watching films about law school and the legal profession. Reading
books and watching films about law school and the legal profession can be a good way to
expose yourself to information which might otherwise not be available to you. Of course,
be careful to distinguish between fact and fiction. Moreover, note when the book was
written or when the movie was produced. While a book or film may be an accurate
depiction of a particular law school in the 1970s, to our relief, the atmosphere of most
law schools has dramatically changed since then. See the pre-law website section “Links
to Other Resources.”
Taking time off. One of the best ways to determine if you really want to go to law school
is by taking time off. Taking time off can provide a much-needed break for you. Then,
when you actually enroll in law school, you will feel refreshed and eager to get back into
the academic environment. Moreover, taking time off can help you determine if you are
genuinely interested in attending law school and becoming an attorney.
Some students – who are wavering between law and other fields– take time off to work. Some
students, with personal and/or family financial obligations, choose to take time off and work
before enrolling in law school so they will have a financial cushion. Other students have the
opportunity to go on an academic or travel fellowship.
I think I’ll enjoy law school, but I dont think I want to be an attorney. Should I still go?
You may have heard that going to law school “keeps your options open.” Arguably, this is a
myth. Most students who attend law school become attorneys, and many attorneys are
dissatisfied with their jobs.
The most important question is not “will I enjoy law school?” Instead, it’s “Do I want to be a
lawyer?” Remember, law school is only three years; you will have the rest of your life to practice
law. In a small number of cases, attending law school, knowing you do not want to practice law
may make sense. But, most students who enter law school without the intention of practicing law
wish they had spent those three years and thousands of dollars differently.
2) Planning Ahead – Using Your College Years to Prepare for Law School
Many students want information about how to plan their four years in college to prepare for law
school. Unlike other graduate degrees where you have to meet specific requirements (such as for
medical school), law school makes few, if any, requirements on applicants. So, the main thing
we suggest is to enjoy your four years at Harvard! However, below we offer a few tips to help
guide you.
What can I do to prepare for law school?
While there are few things you specifically need to do to get ready for law school, you can think
about and/or do the following:
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1) Focus on your academic work. It does not matter specifically what you focus on
academically in college (there is no specific pre-law “concentration”), but it is important
to do as well as you can in your coursework.
2) Collect letters of recommendation. Collect letters of recommendation from professors,
TAs, summer employers, and extracurricular supervisors and keep them in your Leverett
House file. If you already have a few letters in your file when you start the process of
applying to law school, it will help make the application process go more smoothly.
Moreover, a letter-writer is more likely to provide a specific, detailed recommendation
letter if he writes it with you and your work “fresh” in his mind. So, it’s helpful to request
the letter soon after you complete your work or class with him.
3) Decide when to take the LSAT (or GRE). Figure out when it makes sense to take the
LSAT and then register for the test. A small set of schools (including Harvard Law
School) permit students to take the GRE instead. (More details about the LSAT and GRE
are described in Part III of this Handbook.)
4) Consider getting a law-related summer internship or post-graduate job. We are not
suggesting that a law-related summer internship or job will dramatically help your law
school application. Instead, we advise students to consider law work to help them
determine if they are genuinely interested in becoming attorneys.
5) Meet the Pre-Law Tutors and attend Leverett and University-wide law events. Pre-
Law tutors are available to talk with you about law school. In particular, students rarely
use one of the House’s most valuable resources – our nonresident pre-law tutors. As
described elsewhere in this manual, feel free to contact nonresident tutors to get advice
about law school and legal jobs. Additionally, Leverett holds pre-law advising events
(including an introductory meeting each fall and spring) for students considering law
6) Decide when you want to apply. Think about when you might apply to law school –
during your junior year for a Junior Deferral Program, your senior year of college, or
after you graduate.
What should be my “concentration” if I want to go to law school?
You should not choose your college concentration because you think it will help you get into law
school. There is no specific concentration which law schools prefer. In fact, law schools value
having a diverse class, with students with a variety of academic interests. Many students who
apply to law school concentrate in government, political science, or economics; but, again, you
should not pursue these concentrations merely to help your law school application. Instead, we
find students are most successful when they pursue concentrations and subjects that pique their
curiosity and interests.
3) The Law School Experience
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Law school is three years. While many students find the experience to be academically
stimulating, challenging, and rewarding, others find it to be an emotionally, intellectually, and
financially draining experience.
a) Cost of a Legal Education
Attending law school can be costly. A typical three-year budget at many top law schools can
reach nearly $300,000 (you can look at Harvard Law School’s estimated nine-month budget
here). A 2012 study by the American Bar Association showed that students typically leave
private law schools over $125,000 in debt, and public law schools over $75,000 in debt.
b) First Year Experience
Although some law schools have begun experimenting with the first-year curriculum,
traditionally there are several required courses: civil procedure, torts, criminal law and
procedure, property, contracts, and sometimes constitutional law. In addition, you will likely take
a legal research and writing class. You will often be enrolled in three big classes each semester
which meet for five hours per week. Some law students describe the experience as being
reminiscent of high school: you have required courses, you attend class with the same group of
students, and you may even have a locker.
c) The Socratic Method
During your first year, and in subsequent years as well, at least some of your professors will
likely use the Socratic Method of teaching. Law professors will call on particular students at
random and ask them questions about a legal case or line of cases. This dialogue may last for
only a couple of minutes; or, the professor may choose to engage one student for an entire class
period, continuing to press the student about the topics for the day. Therefore, unlike some of
your lecture-style classes at the College, law students are compelled to come prepared for class.
d) Extracurriculars in Law School
Unlike college where students often experiment with a variety of extracurricular activities, in law
school most students are primarily involved in only a small number of activities. Some students
work on law journals (i.e., journals that publish articles written on legal topics): law students
check citations of submitted articles, select articles for publication, and sometimes even write
their own articles for publication. Other students choose to spend time doing clinical work (i.e.,
representing low-income clients under the direction of more experienced attorneys). Some
students are involved in law school students groups such as student government, student
ethnic/cultural/religious associations, or student groups focused on specific issue areas (e.g.,
Women’s Law Association, The Federalist Society, and Prison Legal Assistance Project).
4) The Legal Profession
The determining factor for most students considering whether or not to attend law school should
be whether or not they want to practice law. Below is an outline of the main types of jobs law
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school graduates assume. Please note that these descriptions are not intended as an exhaustive
discussion of the legal profession but instead as a mere overview. The universe of possible legal
jobs is typically divided into private sector jobs and public sector jobs.
a) Private Sector Jobs
Private Law Firms
Many law students work at private sector firms upon law school graduation. Firms can be
categorized as follows:
Size: Big firms have between 200 and 500 attorneys; medium-sized firms have between
75 and 200 lawyers; small firms have fewer than 75 attorneys. Many large firms have
multiple offices – with both domestic and international branches. A significant number of
students from top tier schools work at large firms immediately or shortly after graduating.
Clients: Most of the large firms are considered “corporate firms;” their clients are
primarily corporations. Some private firms (which are typically small firms) primarily
represent individuals; for instance, plaintiffs firms may bring a lawsuit against a
corporation on behalf of an individual.
Specialization: Within firms, especially large law firms, there are sub-specialties. Law
firm work can be grouped into two main categories: transactional and litigation.
Transactional attorneys are “business lawyers.” They help corporations with out-of-court
transactions (such as helping two corporations merge, helping a corporation purchase real
estate, helping draft a contract for a corporation). These attorneys rarely, if ever, enter the
courtroom. Litigation attorneys represent clients when disputes arise that lead to court
involvement. Large law firms typically have some combination of the following practice
groups: antitrust, bankruptcy and business restructuring, corporate, environmental,
intellectual property, international, labor and employment, litigation, real estate, tax, and
trusts and estates.
A common myth is that all lawyers spend a significant amount of time in the courtroom. In
reality, many attorneys (such as transactional attorneys) are never in court. Most of their time is
spent in an office, reviewing documents, talking on the phone, reading legal materials, and
preparing legal or other documents. Even litigation attorneys at large firms only spend a
relatively small proportion of their time in court.
Firms often have openings for students to work as “paralegals.” Because private firms are well-
staffed (unlike many public sector organizations as described below), students sometimes feel
they do not have exposure to substantive work as paralegals; instead, they spend their work days
photocopying and reviewing documents. On the upside, firms pay paralegals decent salaries.
Moreover, as paralegals, students get a window into law firm practice and often have the
opportunity to interact with attorneys on a daily basis.
In-House Counsel
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Many lawyers will spend several years at a law firm in order to gain experience in drafting legal
documents, advising clients, and developing a specialty within a particular practice of law. Once
they have gained this practical experience, a number of lawyers will leave their law firm in order
to join the legal department of a private or public company. This is what is frequently described
as going “in-house” at a company. Lawyers that work within a company tend to work for the
general counsel of the company and are responsible for a broad range of legal matters, including
employment, financial reporting, intellectual property, and any lawsuits brought against the
company. In contrast with working at a firm, lawyers tend to be less specialized in-house since
there are significantly fewer lawyers at a typical company than at a law firm and these lawyers
are responsible for managing a wide range of legal issues that the company faces. Lawyers who
go in-house often are willing to trade in the opportunity to specialize for the opportunity to have
a single client, the company, and to have more reasonable work hours.
b) Public Sector Jobs
When many students envision the job of a lawyer, they envision a person standing up in court for
an individual in need. Only a small segment of the legal profession actually engages in this type
of representation. Many of the jobs that are portrayed in books and films are public sector jobs,
and actually a very particular type of public sector job.
Four main types of public interest jobs include: nonprofit organizations, legal services offices,
government, and private public interest firms. Depending on the nature of the job, public interest
lawyers use a variety of methods (or combination of methods) to effect change including:
individual client representation, impact litigation, policy reform, regulatory enforcement,
lobbying, and community organizing and education.
Nonprofit Legal Organizations. Nonprofit legal organizations usually specialize in advocating
for a particular client population or advocating around a particular issue. Some nonprofits are
“client-oriented,” meaning the organization focuses on representing individual clients (e.g., the
Disability Law Center, Centro Presente, and the DC Employment Justice Center). “Client-
oriented” nonprofits vary greatly. However, as a summer or year-long intern you can reasonably
expect exposure to clients, working directly with individual clients or on individual cases. If
having client contact is important to you, clarify with your employer whether or not you will
actually have that opportunity.
Other nonprofit organizations are “policy-oriented,” meaning the organization uses broad
strategies to effect change such as impact litigation and class actions (e.g., The American Civil
Liberties Union, The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the NAACP Legal
Defense and Educational Fund, the National Consumer Law Center, the Mexican American
Legal Defense and Educational Fund). As an intern with such an organization, you are less likely
to have client contact but you will gain exposure to broader lawyering strategies to effect change.
If the nonprofit has cases pending in court, you may get to observe legal hearings.
Legal Services Offices. Legal services organizations (also known as legal aid societies) provide
free or reduced-fee civil legal representation to low-income clients. Legal services offices
typically have the following units/divisions: family, domestic violence, housing, health,
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government benefits, consumer, and employment. Most major cities have legal services offices
(e.g., Greater Boston Legal Services Center, Atlanta Legal Aid Society) and many states have
branches or separate offices that serve rural areas (e.g., Georgia Legal Services). Attorneys at
legal services offices have high caseloads and daily contact with clients; therefore, as a summer
or year-long intern, you would likely gain hands-on experience.
Government Attorneys. There are numerous types of attorneys and legal offices which are
government funded including: public defender offices and prosecutor offices as well as other
federal, state, and local government agencies.
Public defender offices represent indigent individuals in criminal cases. In general, public
defender offices have high caseloads, limited staff, and few other resources. Therefore, if
you are interested in exposure to trial practice (i.e., preparing for court hearings and
watching trials), interning at a public defender office will provide you that opportunity.
Some public defender offices have a well-structured intern program and give college
students a great amount of responsibility (e.g., college students can work as investigators
at the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia).
Prosecutors work in a variety of offices including: district attorney offices (usually
organized by county whereby attorneys prosecute individuals charged with crimes); state
attorney general offices (which investigate and prosecute cases of statewide significance
from criminal to environmental cases); the U.S. Department of Justice (charged with
prosecuting federal crimes); U.S. Attorney Offices (charged with prosecuting federal
Attorneys also work at a variety of federal (e.g., Securities & Exchange Commission,
Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services),
state (e.g., Massachusetts Department of Education, Massachusetts Executive Office of
Health & Human Services); and local (e.g., Cambridge Police Review & Advisory Board,
Somerville Housing Authority) departments and agencies.
Private Public Interest Firms. Private public interest firms are not technically in the “public
sector,” but are often categorized with other public interest jobs. Private public interest firms are
organizations that tackle the same issues that nonprofits, legal services offices, and public
defender offices typically address, but they operate in a firm environment. Although they are for-
profit organizations, they dedicate a significant portion of their caseloads to work that has some
broad social, economic, or political impact. Private public interest firms may work in the
following areas: civil rights, disability law, education, anti-trust, labor law, environmental law,
product liability, and insurance liability.
c) Academic Jobs
A career in legal academia is highly competitive due to the limited number of professorships that
are open to law school graduates. For those interested in pursuing a career in legal academia, we
highly encourage you to speak with your resident or non-resident pre-law advisor. Your advisor
will be best positioned to either bring you to law school classes or to have the opportunity to
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attend events at the law school in order to gain exposure to legal academia. In order to prepare
for a career in legal academia, it is important to focus on your academics during undergraduate.
Law schools primarily seek out candidates who have attended top-tier law schools. In addition,
many candidates also pursue a separate graduate degree in government or political science in
order to complement their law school education. Law school graduates interested in legal
academia often work for a judge for a year or two immediately after law school (this is known as
clerking), and afterward may work at a law school as an academic fellow or within the federal
government. After gaining this experience, then graduates will typically be ready to go on the
academic job market.
d) International Practice
International law is becoming an increasingly important field and is a unique area to consider for
a future career in law. Although the field of international law is widely associated with human
rights law, it encompasses a vast area of law and covers everything from international financial
transactions to maritime law to foreign affairs law to criminal law.
Generally speaking, anything involving more than one country falls under the heading of
international law for example, a lawyer involved in the corporate merger of a few companies
from two or more countries is engaged in the practice of international law. When law firms speak
of their international law practices, these are often the types of transactions they have in mind.
International law, however, also covers a very different type of law based on treaties and
conventions. Much of human rights and environmental law depends on the will of nation states
who sign treaties pledging their allegiance to certain principles. Institutions such as the United
Nations, NATO, and the International Criminal Court all function within this realm of
international law to work with countries in the crafting and enforcement of such treaties and
conventions. International law can also make an appearance in less obvious ways - for example,
a person from one country convicted of a crime in another country will be prosecuted according
to the respective nations’ extradition treaties, or a case brought in court involving a citizen of
another nation will need to consider jurisdictional issues.
Just as the subtleties of international law are many, the practice of international law can be
achieved in many ways. Many lawyers choose to work for non-governmental organizations
either here or abroad, such as Human Rights Watch. Others choose to focus on international
aspects of their respective areas of practice, such as in criminal law. There are also opportunities
in academia, as well as in law firms that are increasingly expanding into foreign countries. While
it is always a bonus to speak another language such as French, Spanish, or Chinese, most people
find that it is not essential to their pursuit of a career in international law.
e) Business and Other Jobs
Consulting firms and investment banks hire a small number of law students each year.
Increasingly, attorneys are accepting positions in other non-legal settings including academic
administration, nonprofit management, and philanthropic foundations.
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5) Finding and Funding a Legal Internship or Post-Graduate Job
There are numerous ways to find and fund a legal internship or post-graduate job. Described
below are a few suggestions and tips. Please note that the information below is not intended as an
exhaustive discussion of how to find a legal job, but rather a few notes to help you start your job
a) On-Campus Recruiting
The On-Campus Recruiting program run by the Office of Career Services creates a streamlined
and centralized process for finding certain types of private sector jobs. Employers come to
Harvard and there is a well-structured system in place to help you get matched with a potential
summer or post-graduate employer. Take advantage of OCS and their resource guides; OCS has
significant institutional knowledge, having helped hundreds of Harvard students find jobs.
b) Independent Job Searches
One of the more difficult, yet possibly best ways to find a rewarding job is through your own job
search. You often have to use this method to find public interest and government jobs or jobs at
small and medium sized law firms.
o Finding a Job at a Private Firm. Many law firms hire students – during the
summers and after graduation – to serve as “paralegals.” All major law firms
have websites, and many of their sites will describe how to apply for positions.
See https://www.nalpdirectory.com to search legal employers.
Many people in law school end up there after working for a year or two as paralegals in
law firms. There is no evidence, however, that working as a paralegal bolsters your law
school application in any significant way. The benefit of working as a paralegal is that
you see life inside a firm and you gain a much clearer understanding of what you may be
getting into if you decide to go to law school. The paralegal job is probably most
beneficial to someone who is fairly sure he/she wants to be a lawyer at a corporate firm,
and wants a better idea of what to expect. The downside to working as a paralegal is that
you will work long hours, often do not work on substantive legal projects, and may have
limited opportunities to observe attorneys or clients. On the other hand, remember that
learning a legal practice is effectively an apprentice model. Although you might be doing
a lot of copying and faxing, many attorneys will not trust you to handle more substantive
work until you have proved that you can master the entry level tasks.
o Finding a Job in the Public Sector. One great way to find a public interest job is
by using the Center for Public Interest Careers at Harvard (CPIC). CPIC
“promotes and supports Harvard undergraduates whose career goals are focused
on the public interest. By creating internships, fellowships, forums, workshops,
and coordinating and mobilizing alumni/ae and campus resources, the Center will
become a model for supporting the development of a new generation of graduates
working for the public interest.” In particular, CPIC’s Internship and Fellowship
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program provides great opportunities for Harvard students seeking law-related
jobs. CPIC has partnered with well-established employers; they have screened
these employers so you can be reasonably assured that you will be placed in a
high-caliber work environment.
Summer Internship Program. CPIC offers full-time, 10-12 week
summer positions with a modest stipend:
Full-Year Fellowship Program. The Fellowship Program is for
graduating seniors and recent alums and offers full-time, 10-12
month positions with a modest annual salary:
c) Fellowships, Scholarships, Grants, Stipends and Federal Work Study
If you want to work in the public sector, many legal employers cannot afford to pay you. Public
interest organizations often have tight budgets, so even if they think you would be a valuable
asset to their organization, they simply do not have the resources to hire you. Therefore, instead
of merely looking for an existing law-related summer or post-graduate job at an organization,
create your own. Apply for fellowships, scholarships, grants, stipends, or federal work study.
Below are a few tips; you should do your own research as well.
o Leverett Fellowships Tutor. Leverett House is blessed to have an amazing
Fellowships Tutor, Judy Murciano (murciano@fas.harvard.edu). She has helped
literally hundreds of students win fellowships to pursue their passion. After doing
your own research, feel free to “pick Judy’s brain” about your ideas.
o Specific Funding Sources. Below are possible funding sources for students
interested in legal public interest jobs.
Center for Public Interest Careers
Institute of Politics Director’s Internship Program
OCS Public Service Grants
Harvard Clubs Summer Community Service Fellowships
Arthur Liman Public Interest Law Summer Fellowship
Institute of Politics Summer Stipend
Federal Work Study. A little-known fact is that you can get work-study
wages for working at a public interest organization, such as a legal
A few additional notes about funding your own legal internship or fellowship:
o Funding your own position or project is a time consuming process and takes
significant coordination. Whenever you try to create and fund your own project or
position, it becomes a time consuming process, requiring significant coordination
and organization on your part. You will likely have to identify a legal employer
where you want to work, identify a project at that organization, and develop a
relationship with the organization. Moreover, you will likely need to get approval
and an endorsement from your potential employer. You may need to get multiple
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recommendation letters and submit essays. After all of your hard work, you may
not be awarded the fellowship, grant, or stipend, as some are highly competitive.
o Respect your potential employer’s time. Even though you think you will be
providing a great service to a potential employer (i.e., you know you are a hard
worker and you are offering to provide free labor), be respectful of your potential
employer’s time. Do not assume the employer will want you, even if you are
providing free labor. Many nonprofit organizations are so under-resourced that
they do not have enough space, equipment (like an extra desk, computer, and
telephone) or other resources to support you; and, more importantly, they might
not have an attorney on staff who can take time to supervise and mentor you.
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Part III. The Law School Application Process
If you plan well and stay organized, applying to law school is a relatively easy process. Unlike
other graduate programs, for law school, there is typically no lengthy interview process and you
do not have to draft multiple essays for different schools. Instead, you submit a written
application which includes basic biographical information about yourself and one (or two) short
1) Components of the Law School Application
What are the main components of my law school application?
Components of the Law School Application
Almost all law schools require the following:
Application Form
Letters of Recommendation
Personal Statement
In the following section of this Handbook, please find details about additional materials you will
need to provide Leverett House.
a) Application Form
Law school application forms are straightforward, usually requiring you to fill in basic
biographical information about yourself and family as well as provide a list of your
How do I get the law school’s application forms?
There are two main ways to secure the application forms:
Use the LSAC’s on-line application process. LSAC provides detailed
instructions (including video demonstrations) describing how to complete
your law school applications online through LSAC. See www.lsac.org.
Request the forms from the law schools directly. Most law schools have
websites where you can download the application. Go to the “Links to
Other Resources” page of the pre-law website to find links to websites for
all the ABA-accredited law schools.
What are the benefits of using the electronic service provided by LSAC?
Most law schools now require the LSAC Credential Assembly Service (CAS). Using the
electronic application service can save you time, allowing you to answer common
questions only once (e.g., your name, address, undergraduate degree). Moreover, the
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service allows you to attach your personal statement, resume, and other written
information electronically. Even if not required, law schools are accustomed to receiving
applications generated by the LSAC CAS, which can be used to apply to all of the ABA-
accredited law schools.
b) Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendation are a critical part of your law school application and are the
most common reason for a delayed or missed submission. Remember that letters of
recommendation are the only part of your application that is out of your control. Do not
put off requesting or managing your letters of recommendation until the last minute.
Letters typically do not arrive as early as students expect and there are frequently
complications (e.g., a letter-writer is out of town, a letter-writer is on sabbatical). Often
letter-writers have other commitments and cannot produce a letter as quickly as students
would like. Moreover, it is proper etiquette to give letter-writers at least ONE
MONTH to draft your letter of recommendation. Therefore, it is critical that you plan
ahead, deciding well in advance whom you will ask to write your letter and then asking
them. Below, we’ve outlined some tips to help ensure that this critical component of your
application flows as smoothly as possible.
How to Ask Letter-Writers
How should I ask someone to write a letter of recommendation for me?
It’s usually best to ask the potential letter-writer in person. If it’s a professor, you can
schedule an appointment during regular office hours. Asking the potential letter-writer in
person gives you and the individual the chance to discuss why you want to attend law
school. Additionally, it provides you an opportunity to refresh the letter-writer’s memory
about who you are and update him or her about any developments in your life.
Provide the letter-writer an opportunity to state that s/he cannot write the letter for you;
give an “out” (e.g., say something like “I understand that you have a busy schedule and
may not have time to draft a letter on my behalf……..”). If the potential letter-writer says
that s/he cannot write the letter, s/he is actually doing you a favor. It’s better for you if
s/he chooses not to write a letter than if s/he writes a mediocre or negative one.
Packets to Give Letter-Writers
What should I give my letter-writer when I ask for a letter on my behalf?
Remember that it is time-consuming to write a compelling letter of recommendation, and
your letter-writers are likely very busy people. Therefore, make the letter writing process
as easy as possible for the letter-writer. If you provide detailed, clear information, the
letter-writer has more time to focus on the content of the letter (instead of trying to figure
out whom it should be addressed to, where it should be sent, etc.). We suggest that you
give the letter-writer a packet of information to help him/her draft the letter, including:
Leverett Pre-Law Committee Memorandum with Brief Guidelines for
Recommenders. In order to avoid confusion and clarify the process for your letter-
writer, you may wish to provide her or him the memorandum the Pre-Law Committee
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prepared entitled “Guidelines for Submitting Law School Letters of
Recommendation,” which is posted on the pre-law website under the “Forms” tab.
Regardless of whether or not you choose to use our form, you should be sure to
explain the following to your recommender:
Addressee Information. Provide your letter-writer clear instructions about how to
address the letter and where to send it. The letter should be
addressed as follows:
“Dear Law School Admissions Committee” or
“To the Members of the Law School Admissions Committee” or
“To Whom It May Concern”
The letter-writer does not need to address a specific law school in the
heading of the letter. (Exception: Some alumni – who have been out of
school for many years – apply to only one law school. In this case, when
the applicant is absolutely certain that he is only applying to one school,
he may want to ask the letter-writer to address the letter to that specific
Online Submission. Submit the name and contact information for your
recommenders using your LSAC online account. Click “Submit Request” and
your recommender will receive an email with instructions to upload a digital copy
of their letter. If your recommender prefers, LSAC also accepts paper letters of
recommendation. You must print out the Letter of Recommendation form
available at LSAC.org and provide it to any person submitting a paper letter of
Your updated resume. Be sure to edit your resume. It should be neat, well-organized,
and easy to read.
Statement about why you are applying to law school. Provide your letter-writer a
brief written statement (one or two short paragraphs) about why you are interested in
applying to law school.
Copies of papers, paper comments, and grade received. Remind your letter-writer
who you are and how you know the letter-writer. If you took a course or courses from
the letter-writer, remind him which course(s) and your grade(s) as well as any
comments he made about your written work and class participation. You can attach a
copy of the papers you wrote and any comments the recommender may have made.
A deadline. Clearly indicate when your letter needs to be completed. It is proper
etiquette to give your letter-writer at least one month to complete your letter. This
may seem like a long time to you, but remember your letter-writers are busy
individuals with many commitments. They’ll be much happier with you, and more
likely to write you a detailed, compelling letter, if you provide them ample time to
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draft it. Even if you do not actually need the letter right now (you just know you’ll
need it at some point in the future), it’s best to set a specific date when you would like
the letter completed.
Content of the Letter. Tell your letter-writer that his letter should address attributes
about you which will make you a good candidate for law school. Among other
attributes, your letter-writer can comment about your: reliability, maturity, leadership
skills, community work, writing skills, analytical skills, organizational skills, ability
to think on your feet, and ability to work in groups. We advise you to ask your letter-
writer to draft a general letter, which you can submit to all law schools. LSAC
recently added a feature which enables you to send targeted letters to specific law
schools; however, in general, we do not recommend this approach. Based on our
experience, only in rare circumstances would such a targeted letter be necessary. If
you think you need a targeted letter, please discuss the circumstances with your pre-
law advisor.
Other materials. Provide any other material you think would help your letter-writer
draft the letter. However, do not overburden the letter-writer with unnecessary
paperwork. If possible, summarize any documents or other materials you think are
Timing Issues for Letters of Recommendation
How long should I give my letter-writer to draft my letter?
You should provide your letter-writer at least one month to draft and submit your
recommendation letter. Remember that you will likely want to set up an in-person
meeting with your letter-writer to ask him to draft the letter. Therefore, factor that into
your timing calculations.
How do I know if an electronic copy of the letter has been received by the House?
Check with the Leverett Academic Coordinator ([email protected]) in
the House Office to see if your letter has been received. Your pre-law tutor does not have
direct access to this information.
Number of Recommendation Letters
How many letters of recommendation do law schools require?
Most law schools require only two letters of recommendation; however, students often
submit three letters.
If you are a current student or recent alumnus/a, you will likely want to submit two
academic letters (written by professors, TAs, etc.). As detailed below, your third letter
can be a non-academic letter.
If you are an alum applying years after graduating from college or other graduate
program (approximately five years after graduating), your academic letters may no longer
be particularly relevant. Rather than submitting two academic letters, you many choose to
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submit other types of letters, though some schools may still require at least one academic
Whom to Ask to Write a Recommendation Letter
Whom should I ask to draft the letter?
For your two academic recommendation letters, you can ask professors and teaching
fellows (TFs). For your non-academic letter, you can ask: an extracurricular supervisor,
former employer, internship supervisor, or coach.
What makes a good letter of recommendation? I’ve taken a class from a famous
professor; should I ask her or him to write a letter for me?
It is not to your advantage to submit a letter of recommendation from a famous individual
who clearly does not know you as a person. Instead, law schools prefer detailed, specific
letters which show that the letter-writer knows you well. Therefore, it is better to get a
compelling letter from a TF than a letter that speaks about you in mere generalities from a
famous professor. Sometimes students ask TFs and professors to co-sign their letter.
LSAC’s Letter of Recommendation Service
What does LSAC do with my letters of recommendation?
Visit the LSAC website (www.lsac.org) for details about how your letters of
recommendation are processed by LSAC.
Waiving Your Right to Access the Recommendation Letter
Should I waive my right to access the recommendation letter?
Unless you have a particularly strong reason, in general, we recommend waiving your
right to access your recommendation letters. If you are considering not waiving your right
to access your recommendation letters, you should talk to your pre-law advisor about the
“pros” and “cons” of this decision.
Selecting Letters of Recommendation
How should I choose which letters of recommendation to submit? Can my pre-law
advisor help me pick the letters to send?
Unfortunately, your pre-law advisor cannot tell you which letters to submit. Stringent
Harvard University guidelines on confidentiality prohibit pre-law advisors from picking
letters for you. However, they can help you think about the “types” of letters which may
be appropriate. You should choose letters written by individuals who know you well and
who you are confident will write a positive letter on your behalf.
Using General versus Targeted Recommendation Letters
LSAC has a relatively new feature which allows me to send “targeted” letters to law
schools. Is this better than sending a general letter to the schools where I’m applying?
Generally, we do NOT recommend that you ask your letter-writers to draft targeted
letters. In our experience, general letters of recommendation are sufficient. Having your
letter-writer draft targeted letters is more time consuming for them, and it is more likely
that your application will be delayed. Talk with your advisor if there are specific reasons
you want to send a targeted letter to a particular law school.
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Using Old Letters of Recommendation
Can I submit an old letter to law schools which I used previously for another purpose?
Many students have old letters of recommendation in their House File (e.g., a
recommendation letter that they used for a fellowship application). It’s best to ask the
letter-writer to modify and update the letter, so that the letter explicitly addresses your
qualifications for law school. Feel free to ask the Leverett Academic Coordinator in the
House Office to send the old letter to your letter-writer, asking them to revise it.
However, you should also be in contact with the letter-writer. If you cannot get the letter-
writer to update the letter, under certain circumstances, it may be appropriate to submit
the existing letter.
c) GPA/Transcript
Your grade point average (GPA) is an important part of your law school application.
Most law schools will ask you to calculate your GPA. Additionally, law schools will ask
you to submit an official Harvard College transcript.
How do I get my transcript or grade report?
To obtain a copy of your official transcript, you must order it through the Harvard
College Registrar. See http://registrar.fas.harvard.edu/transcript/order-transcript. To
obtain a copy of your student record, contact the Harvard College Registrar. See
Where should I send my transcript or grade report?
CAS requires an official transcript. Therefore, use the National Student Clearinghouse to
send a transcript directly to LSAC (instructions here:
Can I send my transcript directly to law schools?
In general, you should not send your transcript directly to law schools; instead, use the
National Student Clearinghouse to send a transcript to LSAC, and LSAC will send a
report to the law schools. Exception: If you have not heard a response from a particular
law school after you have received your senior year fall grades, you may choose to send
an updated transcript directly to that school, assuming your fall grades will improve your
overall application package.
Background Information
What is the LSAT?
The Law School Admission Test (“LSAT”) is a standardized test required for admission
to almost all law schools. It is an important component of your law school application.
The test is an aptitude test; therefore, you do not have to study specific substantive
material to prepare for the test. Scored from 120 – 180 (with 180 being a perfect score),
the LSAT has three main types of sections: reading comprehension, logical reasoning
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(a.k.a., arguments), and analytic reasoning (a.k.a., logic games). The actual test consists
of five sections (each 35 minutes): one reading comprehension, two logical reasoning,
and one analytic reasoning, plus one experimental section (which does not count toward
your score). Additionally, there is a thirty minute writing portion which does not factor
into your LSAT score but is sent to law schools (though they don’t consider it an
important component of the application).
Is the LSAT a good predictor of who will be a successful attorney?
Arguably, the LSAT is not a good predictor of who will become a successful attorney.
Therefore, merely because you do not perform well on standardized tests in general or the
LSAT in particular does not mean you will not be a great attorney.
Timing Issues for Taking the LSAT
In general, when should I take the LSAT?
The optimal time to take the LSAT is when you have the best chance of doing well. You
should take the LSAT when you have time to focus on preparing for the test, and when
you are not overwhelmed by other stresses in your life.
Is it best to take the LSAT when I’m still in college or can I wait until after I graduate?
It is best to take the exam when you have the most time to prepare. Some students find it
easier to take the test during college; they are in the “test-taking mode,” accustomed to
studying and taking tests under time constraints. On the other hand, some graduates have
found it optimal to take the test while working. They find it more manageable to focus on
the test without other academic pressures and find their jobs allow them ample study
time. Other graduates arrange to study for the test full-time, either immediately after
graduation or between job changes.
How many times a year is the LSAT given?
The LSAT is generally given four times a year: in June, September/October, December
and February (in some years the October test is given at the end of September). See the
Pre-Law Calendar on Leverett’s website and the LSAC website at www.lsac.org for this
year’s specific test dates and registration deadlines.
What time of year should I take the LSAT – June, September/October, December or
Historically, most Harvard College students have taken the LSAT in September/October
of the year in which they are applying. Remember that classes begin in early September,
and coursework may have picked up by late September/early October when the test is
given. Students should think about whether they have time to focus on LSAT test
preparation in the weeks just before the test date, in light of their fall course load,
extracurricular commitments, etc.
Taking the LSAT in June of the year in which you plan to apply has advantages; you will
know your score in the summer and have a better basis to select where to apply. Students
may decide to spend the second half of May focused on LSAT preparation and be ready
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to take the June test. If you are an alum and your work schedule permits it, taking the
June LSAT may be optimal.
You can take the December LSAT and apply to law school during the same academic
year. The disadvantage is that you will not know your score in advance of having to
submit your applications. Additionally, your applications will not be complete until your
LSAT score is submitted; therefore, law schools will not be able to make a final decision
about your candidacy until late in the application cycle.
If you take the February LSAT, most law schools will require you to wait until the
following academic year to submit your application.
What if I’m planning to apply for special scholarships or apply Early Action/Decision?
If you are planning to apply for special scholarships or apply Early Action/Decision to
law schools, you may need to take the June or possibly October LSAT. Check the
specific requirements for each school and program.
Registering for the LSAT
How do I register for the LSAT?
Register for the LSAT through the Law School Admission Council’s website,
www.lsac.org. Check the website for details about when and how to register.
Test Sites
Where is the LSAT given?
The LSAT is not given at Harvard. It is given at a variety of sites in the Boston area,
including Boston University, Suffolk Law School, University of Massachusetts Boston,
and Roxbury Community College. Before the day of the test, familiarize yourself with
the test site (e.g., directions to the site, building and room where the test is given).
Taking the LSAT Multiple Times and Canceling Your Score
Can I plan to take the LSAT multiple times?
The short answer is “no.” You should plan to take the LSAT only once. If you take the
LSAT more than once, law schools generally average the two scores (although this
practice may be changing with some schools beginning to look only at your highest
score). Therefore, unless you feel confident that you can dramatically improve your
LSAT by taking it a second time (for instance, if you are confident you can improve your
score by ten or more points), it may not make sense to retake the test.
Under what circumstances would it make sense for me to take the LSAT a second time?
In general, students only significantly improve their score if either: (1) they were under-
prepared the first time they took the test or (2) something went significantly wrong during
the test (e.g., student got sick during the test, student just received some terrible news
about a friend or relative, student filled in the wrong bubbles).
I’m considering canceling my LSAT score because I didn’t perform as well as I had
hoped. Should I?
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In thinking about canceling your LSAT score, remember that LSAC will report the fact
that you canceled your score and that you are limited to taking the LSAT three times
within a two-year period. We do not think schools penalize students for canceling once,
but we have no way of knowing for certain. If you plan on enrolling in the same year as
your canceled score, however, you may end up being penalized because you will have to
retake the test and apply later in the application cycle. Since most schools use rolling
admissions, a later application could put you at a disadvantage in the pool. Generally, you
should cancel your score only if you feel very sure that you did significantly worse than
your performance on practice tests and will significantly harm your application prospects.
Even then, we find that almost everyone thinks they did worse than they actually did!
Maximizing Your LSAT Score
Can I improve my score? Does practice help?
Most students find they can significantly improve their LSAT score by practicing. The
LSAT is a timed test, so answering questions quickly and accurately is critical. Most
students find that practicing the questions helps improve their speed.
How should I prepare for the LSAT? Should I enroll in a structured LSAT prep course, or
should I study on my own?
One of the best ways to prepare for the LSAT is by taking actual LSAT tests which have
been given in the past. You can order these tests from the LSAC website (see
Some students find it helpful to enroll in a test preparation course. The benefits of
enrolling in such a course include: being provided a structured study schedule, being
taught test strategies, and studying with other people (which some students find more fun
and more motivating).
However, the test prep services are costly (sometimes over $1000). And, some students
find the courses to be repetitive and not targeted to their unique needs. If you are
disciplined enough to study on your own – taking practice tests and learning strategy by
reading test prep books – you may opt not to enroll in a prep class, or alternately to enroll
in a self-guided online course
It’s most important for you to be self-reflective and honest with yourself about your own
study habits. If you like and need structure and outside motivation, it’s best to take a
course. If you prefer to study on your own, in a quiet environment, you may not need to
take a prep class.
How much should I study for the LSAT?
There is no one answer to this question. Certainly, it depends on your goal score as well
as your comfort level with standardized tests. If you find timed tests stressful, it’s best to
err on the side of studying more rather than less. We find most students study a few hours
at a time, a few times a week, for several months.
If I have additional questions about the LSAT, what should I do?
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The LSAC offers FAQs about the LSAT. See http://www.lsac.org/.
e) GRE
A small number of law schools accept either the LSAT or the Graduate Records Exam
(GRE). A recent list of these law schools is available at
https://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/about/law/. You can reach out to your pre-law
tutor to discuss taking the GRE or using a GRE score instead of an LSAT score for your
law school applications.
f) Personal Statement
All law schools require you to submit a written essay, commonly called the “personal
statement.” The personal statement is your opportunity to provide law schools
information about yourself which may not be apparent in the other components of your
application or to highlight a particular theme in your application. Use the personal
statement to help law schools develop an understanding of who you are as a person.
How long is the personal statement?
The personal statement is usually limited to 500 words or two double-spaced pages.
What is the topic of the personal statement?
Most schools provide broad instructions, stating that you should “write a statement about
yourself” or “in two pages or less, tell us something about yourself.”
A small number of schools (such as Yale) require two statements and ask more specific
questions. Additionally, if you are applying for special scholarships or awards, you may
be required to submit additional essays on specific topics.
What are some “tips” about the personal statement? What are law schools looking for?
The personal statement should provide a clear narrative for your
application. The personal statement should address three key parts of your
application narrative: What have I been doing? Where do I want to go? How is
law school the only way to get from what I have been doing to where I want to
be? The personal statement should synthesize your academic, professional, and
extracurricular experiences and explain how those experiences have prepared you
for law school and to pursue your career. Then, explain where you see yourself
after law school and what you plan to do with your law degree. Finally,
demonstrate that law school is the only way for you to get from A to B.
The personal statement should be “personal.” The personal statement is your
opportunity to help law schools develop a better picture of who you are. You can
highlight aspects of yourself which may not be apparent in any other place in your
application. Do not, however, write a theoretical or academic essay on a particular
topic (e.g., on the meaning of fairness and justice, on the history of legal thought,
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on the development of international law). Instead, tell a story about yourself. Use
the personal statement to demonstrate to law schools what motivates you as a
The personal statement should be easy to read and well-written. Do not try to
impress the readers with an abstruse essay. Instead, write a clear, concise, and
well-organized essay. To the extent possible, use declarative sentences in active
voice. Edit the statement. The law schools are using this statement to gauge
whether or not you are a good writer, so errors will harm your chance for
admission. Use regular font and margins.
The personal statement should not be a list of your accomplishments and
activities. The law schools will already have your resume and transcript. Law
schools use the personal statement to learn more about who you are as an
individual – what motivates you, what you will add to the law school class and the
legal profession.
The personal statement should be original. Although you may want to directly
answer the question “why I want to go to law school,” remember that the
individuals reading your personal statement have read hundreds of essays which
answer this question. Your statement can certainly address how your background
and experiences have led you to apply to law school, but don’t merely list reasons
why you want to be a lawyer.
Avoid making broad generalizations in your personal statement and instead
provide personal anecdotes or examples. Instead of making broad statements
(like “I want to use the law to make a difference in people’s lives”), provide the
reader specific information about how your background and experiences have
shaped your attitudes and values. In short, “show, don’t tell.”
2) Materials to Submit to Leverett House
The above section explains what materials are required by law schools. See the “Pre-Law
Checkliston pre-law website for materials you should submit to Leverett House as well.
3) Packaging your Law School Application - The CAS
Almost all law schools require their applicants to use the CAS to submit their applications.
What is CAS and which parts of my application go through them?
The Credential Assembly Service (CAS) packages critical components of your application for
law schools. After you register and pay a fee, CAS prepares and provides a report for each law
school to which you apply. The CAS report includes the following information:
An undergraduate academic summary
Copies of all undergraduate and graduate school transcripts
LSAT scores and writing sample copies
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Copies of letters of recommendation
Please note that you should NOT send your letters of recommendation directly to law
schools. Instead, have your recommenders send their letters of recommendation to CAS.
What else should I know about CAS?
Register early for the CAS. Once you decide you are applying to law school, register
for CAS. Registration lasts for 5 years. See http://www.lsac.org for more information
about CAS.
Send CAS your transcript as soon as possible. It can take CAS several weeks to
process your transcript.
Check your biographical information and transcript information carefully. The CAS
will send you a confirmation notice which contains all of the information that law schools
will see. Check for accuracy. You can check the status of your CAS file online.
4) Admissions Criteria
How do law schools decide who is admitted?
Law schools use a variety of processes to select students. A candidate’s GPA and LSAT score
are important factors in admissions decisions. However, law schools also consider other factors,
especially for applicants on the border of being admitted. Law schools want to select students
who will help create a dynamic law school class as well as students who will make unique
contributions to the legal profession.
Do law schools like applicants with work, travel, or other experience?
Increasingly, law schools value students with interesting employment, community, travel and
other experiences. See the below section for more details about deferring versus applying in
future years.
How important are my grades and LSAT score?
Your grades and LSAT score are important components of your application. What does that
mean in terms of how you should spend your time in college? At Leverett House, we suggest you
spend your time developing your interests and talents. Spend your time doing intellectual and
extracurricular activities that you are passionate about. For most students, taking classes they
find intrinsically interesting will help them maintain a good GPA. Law schools are not looking
for students with a particular major/concentration; we recommend that you major in the field you
find the most rewarding.
5) Timing Issues
a) General Timing Issues
When in the application cycle should I apply? Are my chances of getting in just as good if
I apply in February as in early October?
In general, it’s to your advantage to apply earlier rather than later in the application cycle.
Most law schools make admissions decisions on a rolling basis. You should aim to
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submit your applications before Thanksgiving or at least by early December. At the
latest, submit your applications by early January. Moreover, the sooner you apply, the
sooner you will hear back from schools.
Do any schools allow you to apply early?
Yes. A few schools have non-binding early action programs. These deadlines are in early
fall with some schools as early as October 15
and others in early or mid- November. If
you want to apply early, notify the Pre-Law Committee Chairs as soon as possible.
When are law school application deadlines?
The formal deadlines vary by school. Many schools deadlines are between February 1
and March 15. However, you should not use these deadlines to guide your application
schedule. As previously noted, most schools admit students on a rolling basis; therefore,
if you wait until the deadline to get in your application, your chances for admission may
be harmed.
b) Junior Deferral Program
What is the Junior Deferral Program (JDP)?
The program allows students to apply to HLS during their junior year of college, on the
condition that they will wait at least two years after graduating before attending HLS.
Who is eligible?
Students are eligible if they are 1) currently enrolled as an undergraduate, 2) recognized
by their institution as graduating in the spring of 2021, and 3) committed to deferring
enrollment at HLS for a minimum of two years after graduating.
When is the application due?
HLS typically announces deadlines related to the JDP in late summer. In previous years,
HLS has opened the application in mid-September, with a due date of February 1.
However, this past cycle, the deadline was May 1. Unlike the regular admissions process,
the JDP has not had rolling admissions. All decisions were released in the summer,
following receipt of the applicants’ grades from spring semester of junior year.
Do I need to take the LSAT or GRE in order to apply for the JDP?
Yes, and if you choose to take the LSAT, JDP applicants must have taken the exam no
later than the February administration.
For more information on the JDP, please see
c) Pre-Law Detailed Timetable
Included on the pre-law web page is a schedule you can follow if you are considering
applying to law school.
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d) Taking Time Off Before Applying to Law School
Benefits of Taking Time Off
Why should I take time off between college and law school?
In general, if you are even considering taking time off between college and law school,
we suggest that you choose to take time off for the following reasons:
Few people regret their decision to take time off. In our experience,
however, many students who attend law school immediately after college
regret that decision.
Post-college experience may make you a more attractive law school
applicant. Increasingly, law schools value work, community, travel, and other
experiences. Law schools think that not only will individuals who have taken
time off provide interesting insights during classroom discussions, they may
also make better attorneys.
Taking time off will help you enjoy and appreciate law school when you
actually enroll. Some students who go straight from college to law school
find the experience draining. Tired from Harvard College exams and their
thesis, some of these students find law school to be an arduous three years. On
the other hand, students who have worked for some years start law school
refreshed and excited. They tend to appreciate the academic environment,
intellectual freedom, and flexible hours of law school. (Of course, these are
generalizations; there is certainly individual variation in student attitudes
about law school.)
Post-graduate work can help you ensure that law school is the right
choice for you. Law school is a significant time, financial, and emotional
commitment. In your time off, you can explore other possible career options,
or you can assume a legal job to help you decide for sure that you want to be
an attorney. Students who take time off tend to be more confident with their
ultimate decision to attend law school and are less likely to second guess
If you want to attend law school, you will, even if you take time off. A
popular misconception is “if I don’t apply to law school during college and
attend the year after I graduate, I will never go.” Based on our experience at
Leverett House, that is simply not the case. In recent years, approximately half
the students we advise each year are alumni.
e) Deferrals
Many students know they want to take time off between college and law school but
contemplate applying to law school during their senior year, hoping to defer admission
until they are ready to go to law school.
I know I don’t want to attend law school next year. Should I apply now and defer or
should I wait to apply later?
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Our rule of thumb at Leverett House is that it is to your advantage to wait and apply only
when you are ready to attend law school. As described above, in general, your application
will only be enhanced by additional work, community, travel, and other experience;
therefore, you will have a greater chance of being admitted to law school if you apply
later. Moreover, you will be more confident with your decision to apply if you are
making the decision after spending time away from school, when you have a broader
The reason many students like to apply, even when they know they are not yet ready to
attend law school, is for peace of mind. Moreover, many students fear that if they do not
apply to law school during college, they will never apply. In our experience, students
who are committed to attending law school apply as alumni. In fact, in recent years, at
least half of Leverett applicants have been alumni.
When determining when to apply, you should weigh all the competing factors and make a
choice that is comfortable for you.
Won’t it be harder for me to go through the House Pre-Law Advising System as an alum?
Shouldn’t I apply now, while I’m still in the House, and petition for a deferral once I’m
accepted into law school?
As described in various places throughout this Handbook, Leverett House provides the
same services to recent alumni (those who have graduated in the past five years) as
undergraduates. Proximity to the House should not be the determining factor in your
decision about when to apply. For more details on specific considerations for alumni/ae,
please see the pre-law website, “Applying to Law School as a Leverett Alum.”
What are law school’s policies on deferring?
Many schools will allow you to defer one, two, and sometimes even more years. You
must petition the law school to get a deferral. Whether or not the law school grants your
deferral depends on a variety of factors including: your proposed plan for how you will
spend your time during the upcoming year; the law school’s policy regarding deferrals
that particular year (school policies may vary from year to year); the number of students
who have accepted admission to the law school that year; the number of other students
petitioning for deferral.
6) Cost of Applying to Law School
How much does it cost to apply to law school?
There is no one answer to this question – it depends on whether or not you enroll in an LSAT
prep class, the number of schools you apply to, etc. Here are some of the costs associated with
applying to law school:
Taking the LSAT (required).
Taking an LSAT prep class.
Registering for CAS (required).
Using an electronic application through CAS.
Fees associated with applying to each individual school (required).
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What if I don’t think I can afford all of the costs associated with applying to law school?
Please do NOT decide you should not apply to law school because the costs associated with the
application process seem too high. Almost all law schools will waive your application fees. Your
chance of being accepted to the law school should not be affected by your request to waive the
application fee. Moreover, you can receive fee waivers through LSAC. See
http://www.lsac.org/. You should feel free to talk about financial issues with your pre-law tutor.
7) Selection Criteria for Choosing Law Schools
Navigating through the technical aspects of applying to law school will take up some of your
time. But, it is important to keep your focus on the overarching issue – finding the law school
that is the best match for you. Therefore, try to determine honestly what your priorities are and
then apply to schools that fit your criteria.
a) Number and Type
Should I apply to “safety” schools and “reach” schools?
Just like college, you should apply to both reach schools and safety schools. However, we
also advise applying only to schools which you realistically think you would attend if
admitted. There is no reason to waste time and money applying to a school that you have
absolutely no intention of attending.
How many schools should I apply to?
In the past, most students have applied to 7 – 10 law schools. This translates into
approximately three safety schools, three reach schools, and three others.
b) Prioritizing Selection Criteria
How do I select the schools to apply to?
There are many high-caliber law schools. It is important to find the right match for you.
A variety of factors should be considered when selecting a school. We find many
Leverett students focus exclusively on one factor – the perceived prestige of the law
school. The school’s prestige or reputation is certainly a factor to be taken into account,
but there are many factors that you will likely want to consider including: size, location,
cost of school, atmosphere, diversity of the student body, diversity of the curriculum,
faculty interests, and specialty areas (e.g., international law, public interest, law and
economics, intellectual property). Moreover, you should consider your long-term career
goals and try to find a school that lines up with those goals. If you look at prominent
attorneys – who work in the White House, who are now politicians, who run state
agencies – you’ll find they went to a variety of law schools.
How can I learn more about programs and specialty areas at specific law schools?
To learn more about each law school, visit the school’s website. Also, you can use on-
line search engines to find more information about specific law school programs. (See
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FindLaw for Students at http://stu.findlaw.com/schools/fulllist.html and Thomson
Peterson’s at https://www.petersons.com/graduate-schools.aspx).
I have a clear idea about what I want to do when I graduate. How should I use this to
guide my law school selection process?
While many students enter law school with strong feelings about what they want to do
when they graduate, few students leave law school doing what they initially thought they
would. It is important to keep this in mind as you are choosing a law school. It is often
wise to select a school that allows you to “keep your options open. However, a small
percentage of students actually do have a clear vision – based on research, previous
experiences, and/or life circumstances – for what they want to do long-term.
Working in a Specific Geographic Location. If you are certain you want to
work in a specific geographic location, you should consider choosing a law school
near that location. For instance, if you want to live in rural Alabama, you may
want to attend an Alabama school to develop connections with the local legal
community. You can likely save money on tuition and living costs by attending a
state school or getting a scholarship to a private university which isn’t “top tier.”
On the other hand, some individuals choose to attend a school outside the location
they hope to ultimately reside, but work at summer jobs in that community and
develop legal ties.
Going into Politics. If you are certain you want to go into politics after law
school, where you attend law school may be important to your political career.
Pursuing a Public Interest Job. Public interest jobs are low-paying. Therefore, if
you know you want to pursue public interest, you may want to consider lower
cost schools. Additionally, some public interest employers favor individuals with
strong ties to the community which they are serving. On the other hand, some
public interest employers prefer students who graduate from top-tier law schools.
(This issue is discussed in more detail in other parts of this Handbook as well as
on the pre-law website in the section “Lawyering in the Public Interest.”)
Pursuing Academia. If you know you want to be a law professor (which would
be nearly impossible for you to know for sure before attending law school), the
prestige of the law school you attend can be important.
c) Public Interest-Friendly Law Schools
I know I want to become a public interest attorney. Where should I apply and where
should I go if accepted?
There are a variety of considerations if you want to pursue public interest after graduating
from law school. To determine if the law school is a “friendly” environment for public
interest students, consider the following:
The school’s public interest advising and career counseling resources. Schools’
websites often describe resources offered to public interest-minded students.
The background and interests of the school’s law professors. Check the
biographies of law professors at various schools. Almost all law schools have
websites with professor biographies. Determine their research and writing
interests as well as community involvement.
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The school’s clinical legal education program. Through law school clinical legal
education programs, students can receive academic credit for being trained to and
then actually representing low-income clients. Learn about law schools’ clinical
programs. How extensive are the programs? How many students participate? Can
all students who want to participate in a clinic have that opportunity or are there
only a small number of coveted spots, whereby only some students are admitted
after a competitive selection process? Does the school have in-house clinics
(where law school instructors supervise students)? What type of externship
placements does the school offer (where law students are placed at outside
organizations)? What methods of advocacy will students have an opportunity to
explore (direct serve, policy, and legislative)?
Grants for summer public interest work. Does the school offer grants to students
who want to pursue public interest during their summers? How many students are
given grants each summer?
Cost of school and financial incentives offered to public interest students and
alumni/ae. Studies show that students typically graduate from law school with
debt loads in excess of $80,000. Moreover, there are wide disparities in the
salaries between private sector and public interest attorneys. In light of these
statistics, public interest minded students may want to consider the following
questions: How expensive is the law school? Does the school have a loan
repayment program (whereby the school helps relieve student debt if the student
assumes a low-paying job upon graduation)? Does the school have special
scholarships for public interest students? Does the school offer special grants or
financial aid?
Careers of students after graduation. One way to gauge the dedication of the
public interest student community at a particular school is to consider the jobs
students take upon graduation. What percentage of students assume public interest
jobs their first year after graduating? Five years after graduation?
For additional information about choosing a law school and legal jobs in the public
interest, see the Equal Justice Works at http://www.equaljusticeworks.org/. For a more in
depth discussion of public interest work, see the pre-law website, “Lawyering in the
Public Interest.”
8) Deciding To Pursue a Joint Degree
Joint degree programs allow you to pursue law school and graduate degrees simultaneously.
Only a small number of schools offer joint degree programs, and each school has different
requirements for applying to and enrolling in these programs. Contact each school directly for
specific information about academic requirements, length of the program, and program structure.
The most popular combinations of joint programs include: JD/MBA, JD/MA, and JD/MPP. A
smaller number of students pursue JD/PhDs.
What are the advantages of pursuing a joint degree?
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There are a small number of jobs where having a joint degree may be advantageous. Moreover,
pursuing a joint degree can be quicker than attending two programs separately (e.g., a JD/MBA
takes four years instead of five years).
Why are the “cons” of pursuing a joint degree?
We advise you to think very carefully about pursuing a joint degree. You can get almost the
same jobs with a JD as you can with a joint degree; the joint degree does not necessarily make
you significantly more marketable. Assess whether the extra time and expense is actually worth
the benefits. The application process itself can be time consuming. Although we can provide
some support, Leverett House does not have full knowledge of all the joint degree programs, so
you should be willing to do research and investigation on your own.
9) Waitlists & Reapplying
What if I’m waitlisted at a law school? What should I do?
If you are waitlisted at a law school that you would really like to attend, there are several
strategies you can pursue. First, it is most important that you communicate to the law school that
you would immediately accept if you received an offer of admission. Law schools want to
increase their yields; they are more likely to give an offer of admission if they know it will be
accepted. Probably the most effective statement is a simple paragraph on why you are prepared
to drop everything and accept an offer of admission to the law school and how you would
rearrange your plans accordingly. For instance, you might explain why you would be willing to
move across the country at a moment’s notice if the law school accepted you. You might also
explain why you think that the law school is a particularly good “fit” for you.
Second, you can send additional materials. These materials might include additional letters of
recommendation, more recent grade reports (only if your grades have improved since you sent
your initial application), and additional statements. In particular, you may ask your Pre-Law
Advisor to draft a “House Letter” on your behalf that summarizes your achievements and
advocates for your admission.
Of course, if there are additional circumstances that might have affected your grades, LSAT
scores, and/or reasons for attending law school that you did not communicate in your initial
application, you can include this information in a short statement as well.
While the chances of getting off of waitlists are exceedingly slim, there is always hope. If you
use this opportunity to argue your case more forcefully to the law school, your odds will
probably improve.
What if I want to reapply to law schools?
Take heart if you didn’t get off the waitlist or didn’t get into the law school you wanted, you
can always reapply. When making your decision to reapply, however, you should strongly
consider how your application has improved or expanded since your first attempt. As described
in further detail below, you may consider retaking the LSAT, taking extra classes, or gaining
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work experience. Waiting more than a year in order to bolster your resume will only add to the
strength of your application.
When you do decide to reapply, emphasize what has changed in your application to make you a
more competitive applicantyou are not at a disadvantage for applying twice, but you should
acknowledge that it is your second application and highlight how your application has improved,
since the admissions committees will take note that it’s your second time around. Finally, in
making your decision about where to apply, you might want to reevaluate the schools and
consider new ones you hadn’t considered before or point out why a particular school that you
applied to before is well-suited to you.
Recommendations. All of your letters of recommendation submitted by recommenders to
Leverett House will remain on file with Leverett House. Depending on how many years
elapse between your applications, you may want to have your letters updated. For letters
of recommendation, the House office can send electronic copies of the original letters to
your recommenders for them to update.
Transcripts. You may have to request new transcripts if you received additional grades
since your original application.
LSAT. If you are thinking about taking the LSAT again, there are a couple of things to
keep in mind. (1) All your LSAT scores will show up on your applications. (2) Most law
schools will average your LSAT scores. The decision to retake the test is both difficult
and individual, depending on your score and the schools to which you are applying. You
should speak to your advisor if you are considering retaking the LSAT, especially if you
are thinking about retaking the September/October test in December, thereby delaying
your applications. Although opinions vary, a good rule of thumb is to retake the exam
only if you can achieve a marked improvement (which some would suggest means an 8-
10 point improvement).
Other. Whether to write a new personal statement, ask for more or different letters of
recommendation, or apply to different schools are all things to consider when you
reapply. However, because these are individual decisions, you should seek advice from
your Pre-Law Advisor early in the process.