Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
Terms of Reference Template
Committee Terms of Reference
A well-functioning committee supports
good governance of a project or
program. It can assist you to run an
effective community hub.
A Terms of Reference (ToR) sets out
what the committee will do and explains
how the members will work together to
achieve shared goals.
A ToR contains clear and specific
information on:
» how the committee is organised
» what the committee is trying to achieve
» who the members are
» when and where they meet.
Figure 1: photo of a project e.g. Phillip St where
the ToR is referred to in this document
Who is this for?
This is for not-for-profit community
organisations who are looking to partner with
other organisations to deliver integrated
community services in a community.
What does it do?
This guide provides a template to help you
develop a Terms of Reference that can
support the governance practices for your
community hub.
ToR Template
While information on a typical ToR is provided
below, your ToR will be unique. Customise
your approach to suit your project, partners and
context. Not every section will be right for your
committeedelete those sections that aren’t
Examples provided in each section of the
template are based on a project initiation
committee. This type of committee is useful in
the planning phase of a community hub.
Tips for success
» It may be possible to use (and expand)
an existing committee or partnership
group for your community hub.
» Specify the role of the committee and
outline what you will deliver so that
expectations are clear and supported
by project partner organisations.
» Consider the function of the committee
and how long it will continue to meet.
Will it be a decision-making or advisory
body? Is it time-limited or ongoing?
» Clarify how decisions will be made by
the group and who the committee will
report to on progress.
» Clarify who is accountable for what,
and check up-front that project partners
are comfortable with what has been
» Consider the whole journey. How will
the committee evolve from planning
through to opening, establishment, etc.
» Bring everyone with you on the
journey, including project partners.
» Clearly record actions and key
decisions. Agree timeframes for work.
» Develop a workplan for the committee.
Identify a committee lead, and gaps
where further support or expertise may
be required.
Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
Terms of Reference Template
Additional tools
The following tools can be used to document
the relationships between the legal entities
involved in governing your community hub:
» codes of conduct for committee members
» roles and responsibility statements for the
hub operator to clarify duties and
» governance training to assist and support
new committee members to meet their
Additional ToR Examples
» The Philip Street Communities and Families
Precinct Advisory Group ToR
The purpose of this Committee is to
provide Council with advice on strategic
planning, management and service
delivery in the establishment phase of
the precinct.
» Queensland Council of Social Service
(QCOSS) provides comprehensive
information on governance and
management including a
Terms of
Reference template.
Definitions are included in Appendix C.
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Terms of Reference – V1 Basic Template
[Name of Committee]
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section includes information on the background of the community hub and includes additional
context for the committee.
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section identifies why the committee has been established and outlines its overarching
responsibility and objectives.
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section confirms how long the committee will be in place. Discuss how the committee (purpose,
membership, etc) might evolve through the planning, establishment, growth and maturity phases.
Responsibilities and duties
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section sets out the responsibilities of the committee and its members. For example, what are
the key tasks, how will they be monitored, what reporting processes are to be followed, how will open
and respectful discussions be supported, etc. While bullet points are acceptable, provide enough
detail to ensure responsibilities are understood by committee members and organisations.
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section details committee members and their role. For example, some members may be project
partners, other may be part of your committee in an advisory capacity.
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section identifies the chair of the committee, as well as arrangements for chairing of the
committee if the nominated chair is absent from a meeting.
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Decision-making process
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section states the process used by the committee to make decisions, e.g. by consensus, by
formal voting, with the chair as the final arbiter on all decisions, etc. This section must also detail the
process for addressing any unresolved matters. How will disputes be resolved?
Meeting administration: secretariat, agenda, papers and minutes
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Agree who will provide the secretariat function for the committee (e.g. record holding, servicing of
meetings, coordinating a schedule, agenda and papers, taking minutes, maintaining action and
decision registers). Agree on how this person will work with the chair.
Agree how the agenda and supporting papers will be developed (and timing) with input from the
committee. For example, the secretariat will coordinate with the chair of the committee to draft and
prepare the agenda for the committee meeting. Include standing agenda items, such as risk.
Provide details for the issue of meeting minutes, actions, and decision summaries, along with
applicable timing.
Meeting frequency
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Provide details of the required frequency of meetings or agreed meeting schedule. Meetings should
be conducted as frequently as necessary for the committee to undertake its role effectively.
Governance structure
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Insert a simple diagram showing where the committee sits within the broader governance system
for the project. For example, the relationship between this committee and Project Partners, working
groups, the community, etc. How does information flow between these different groups?
Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
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Terms of Reference V2 Detailed template
[Name of Committee]
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section includes information on the background of the community hub and rationale.
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section identifies why the committee has been established and outlines its overarching
responsibility and objectives.
The [Name of Committee] (the committee) is established to [insert text, e.g. manage the planning and
delivery of the [….] Community Hub].
The purpose of [the committee] is to be an [insert type of committee] committee that [insert text].
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section confirms how long the committee is expected to meet over the course of the project.
Discuss how the committee (purpose, membership, etc) might evolve through the planning,
establishment, growth and maturity phases.
When will the ToR be reviewed by the committee? All committees should have routine health checks
to make sure they are on track and still have the right people around the table.
This Terms of Reference is effective from [insert date] to [insert date]…
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Responsibilities and duties
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section sets out the responsibilities of the committee and how it will deliver the project. While
bullet points are acceptable, provide enough detail to ensure responsibilities are understood by
committee members and organisations.
To fulfil its purpose, the role of the committee includes
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Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section details who will be involved and provide representation at committee meetings.
The committee comprises representatives from [insert Partner Agency Organisations]…
Committee members are responsible for
Refer to Appendix A for a list of the committee’s members, including full (voting) members and non-
voting standing attendees.
Members are to make their best endeavour to attend meetings. Refer to Procedures section for
further information on the use of proxies.
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Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section identifies the Chair of the committee (position), as well as arrangements for chairing of
the committee if the nominated chair is absent from a meeting.
The chair of the committee is [insert name].
If the committee chair is absent from a meeting, the functions of this role are to be undertaken by
[insert text, e.g. the deputy chair].
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Authority and tolerances
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This section should include reference to the authority of the committee, including the areas of
responsibility for which the committee can make recommendations, has rights for decision-making, or
the ability to authorise actions.
The committee is authorised by Partner Sponsors to undertake the following actions:
identify and assess
regularly review
Authority of nominated working groups or sub-committees
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
The committee has the authority to set up groups to work under it (e.g. working group). Working
groups should generally be problem-focussed, time-specific and task-orientated.
The committee may delegate authority to a working group comprised of one or more members of the
[Insert details of any standing sub-committees]
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Decision-making process
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section states the process used by the committee to make decisions, e.g. by consensus, by
formal voting, with the chair as the final arbiter on all decisions, etc. This section must also detail the
process for addressing any unresolved matters. How will disputes be resolved?
Ethics, confidentiality, privacy
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section should outline the expected minimum behaviours of members with respect to conflicts of
interest, privacy (e.g. Information Privacy Act 2009), confidentiality and related matters.
Instructions for this section delete prior to finalising
This section details the procedures which assist the committee to exercise its functions. Not all of
these may be relevant to your committee, just chose the most relevant.
Meeting frequency
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Provide details of the required frequency of meetings or agreed meeting schedule. Meetings should
be conducted as frequently as necessary for the committee to undertake its role effectively.
The committee will meet [insert frequency, e.g. five times per annum or as otherwise determined by
the Chair]. Generally, meetings will be scheduled for [insert duration, e.g. 90 minutes].
The proposed meeting schedule is provided in Appendix B.
Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
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Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
State the minimum requirements to establish a quorum considering both full member and chair
requirements. Example text is provided below and should be adapted to suit the individual
A majority of committee members must be present to provide a quorum. That is, half of the members
plus one.
Use of proxies
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
State whether proxies are allowed. Identify any applicable requirements in the selection of proxies,
what their responsibilities are in the meeting, including whether they are to be involved in decision
Members are expected to attend meetings personally. However, members may nominate a proxy to
represent them in extenuating circumstances, with prior advice being given to the chair. Proxies are
expected to act with the authority of the member they represent.
A person acting in a membership position is considered a member of the committee for the term of
their acting arrangement.
Standing invitees
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
State applicable requirements for standing invitees, including what their responsibilities are in the
For example:
» Queensland Government agencies
» Australian Government agencies
» industry, universities and training providers
» social service providers
» community representatives
Where necessary, people may be invited to attend committee meetings to assist the committee to
understand or interpret complex matters, identify potential risks, encourage appropriate debate of
issues, and pose questions that might otherwise go unasked.
The chair may invite non-members to attend a meeting to provide specific advice to the committee.
This would typically include additional representation for the supporting sub-committee(s) or for a
specialist briefing.
Refer to Appendix A for a list of standing invitees (non-voting) observers of the committee, who are
considered to have key roles in ensure the committee is briefed appropriately to achieve its purpose
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Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Agree who will provide secretariat function for the committee (e.g. record holding, servicing of
meetings, coordinating a schedule, agenda and papers, taking minutes, maintaining action and
decision registers). Agree on how this person will work with the chair.
Agree how the agenda and supporting papers will be developed (and timing) with input from the
committee. For example, the secretariat will coordinate with the chair of the committee to draft and
prepare the agenda for the committee meeting. Include standing agenda items, such as risk.
Provide details for the issue of meeting minutes, actions, and decision summaries, along with
applicable timing.
Agenda, papers and minutes
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Agree how the agenda and supporting papers will be prepared with input from the committee. For
example, the secretariat will coordinate a draft agenda with the chair. Set clear timeframes for
feedback from the committee and include standing agenda items, such as risk. Give sufficient time
for the committee to review any papers for discussion ahead of the meeting.
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Out of session arrangements
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Detail the procedure for the consideration of matters between formal meetings, and how the
outcomes are communicated to stakeholders and Partner Agency Organisations.
Induction of new members
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Outline the process for induction of new members. Include information on processes for remote
members, accessibility, etc.
The Secretariat is to provide the following information to new members:
copy of the Terms of Reference
full list of members of the committee and their contact details (Appendix A)
copies of minutes from the last two meetings (or another relevant timeframe)
copies of significant policy or other documents that relate to issues discussed by the committee as
required from time to time.
Review of committee performance
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Detail the procedure for the assessment of committee performance, including whether it will be an
internal or external review, assessment measures, distribution of report and required frequency of
Consider a less formal 6 monthly health check discussion.
An annual review of the performance of the committee, for the previous 12 months, will be undertaken
at the commencement of each financial year. The committee will devote at least part of one meeting to a
review of its achievements over the preceding 12 months.
The review will also consider any changes to membership or procedures that may need to occur in the
subsequent 12 months.
A report on the review’s findings is to be provided to Partner Sponsors.
Risk and compliance management
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Detail the way in which a risk management framework will be incorporated into the committee’s
operation. One example is for briefing papers to include a section to identify and assess the impact
on key risks and risk categories. Another example is a standing agenda item to monitor
implementation of risk treatment plans that are relevant to the business of each committee,
understand any changes in context that may influence the risk profile for areas of business within
the remit of the committee, and consider any emerging risks.
What legislative requirements does this committee support? How does the committee address
compliance with this legislation?
[Insert text]
Governance Structure
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
Insert a simple diagram showing where the committee sits within the broader governance system
for the project. For example, the relationship between this committee and project partners, working
groups, the community etc. How does information flow between these different groups?
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Appendix A: Membership
Instructions for this sectiondelete prior to finalising
The composition of the membership should be listed in the table below. This should be a listing of
the positions (roles) selected to be members of the committee, as the membership applies to the
position, not the person. There should be a clear distinction between full (voting) members and
non-voting standing attendees.
Table 1.0 Committee members (voting)
Committee members (position-based)
[Position title]
[Position title]
[Position title]
[Position title]
Table 2.0 Standing invitees (non-voting)
Standing invitees (position-based)
[Position title]
[Position title]
[Position title]
[Position title]
Table 3.0 Secretariat
Secretariat Contact
[Position title]
Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
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Appendix B: Standing agenda items and
meeting schedule
Table 4.0 Standing agenda
Standing Agenda Items
Minutes and actions from previous meeting
[Insert topic]
Table 5.0 Meeting schedule
Month Agenda Topics
[Month] [topic]
[Month] [topic]
[Month] [topic]
[Month] [topic]
Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
[Name of Committee]
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Appendix C: Definitions
Partner Agency Organisation
Accountable to: Organisational corporate governance arrangements.
The Partner Agency Organisation will participate in a collaborative partnership within the timeline
proposed to deliver integrated services from the community hub as defined in the agreed business
The Partner Agency Organisation is responsible for:
» participation in project governance through providing representation on the Steering Committee to
oversee and manage the project implementation phase
» providing a Partner Sponsor for decision-making support over the life of the project and ensuring
alignment with their organisation’s strategic objectives.
Partner Sponsor
Accountable to: Head of Partner Agency Organisation (CEO, Director-General or senior executive).
The Partner Sponsor will act as project champion and provide an oversight function.
Partner Sponsors are responsible for:
» ultimate decision-making accountability throughout the lifespan of the project
» responding to escalated issues
» prioritisation of the project within their agency, as appropriate.