Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
© State of New South Wales through Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure 2024. Information contained in this publication
is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing, January 2024, and is subject to change. For more information, please visit
Terms of reference
We have supplied this template so each committee can complete its
terms of reference. Each committee may decide how it will operate,
in accordance with the Community consultative committee guideline:
State Significant Projects 2023 and any minimum requirements that
are established through conditions of approval or consent.
Community Consultative Committee terms of reference is in accordance with the NSW Department
of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure’s Community Consultative Committee Guideline: State
Significant Projects 2023.
Purpose of the community consultative committee
The committee has been established to provide a forum for open discussion between
, representatives of the community, stakeholder groups and
on issues directly relating to the
Purpose and scope
The purpose of this committee is to serve as a forum for ongoing communication about the project
and its environmental performance. It is not a decision-making body but performs an advisory and
consultative role.
The scope of this committee includes:
discussing the resolution of community concerns and complaints
discussing the implementation of any conditions of approval or consent and management plans
consulting on any proposed amendments or modifications to projects
reviewing the results of any monitoring, annual reviews or independent audits
(insert project name)
(the proponent)
(name of council)
(name of state significant project)
Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
Terms of reference 2
consulting on any community initiatives
conducting site visits to view the project
add other items as necessary.
Committee membership
The appointed chairperson is
Committee members [add or delete as necessary]
The committee members are:
1. : c
ommunity member
2. : community member
3. : community member
4. : community member
5. : representative
6. : representative
7. : representative
8. : representative
9. : the proponent
10. : the proponent
11. : the proponent
Alternate representatives [add or delete as necessary]
The appointed alternate representatives are:
1. : alternate community member
2. : alternative representative
3. : alternative representative
4. : alternative representative
(given name and family name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name of stakeholder group)
(insert name of stakeholder group)
(insert name of stakeholder group)
(insert name of stakeholder group)
(insert name)
(insert name)
(insert name of stakeholder group)
(insert name of stakeholder group)
(insert name of stakeholder group)
Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
Terms of reference 3
Meeting frequency, location and timing
Meeting frequency
The committee will meet at least times for the . The meeting
frequency is to be a minimum of once a year unless otherwise specified by the conditions of consent
or approval.
e chairperson will give members at least notice before a regular committee meeting.
Extraordinary meetings
Any committee member may ask the chairperson to convene an extraordinary committee meeting if
there are important and urgent matters requiring consideration.
The chairperson will decide if the extraordinary meeting is called for, or if the matters can be
addressed in other ways.
The chairperson will give members notice before an extraordinary meeting.
Site visits
Site visits may be organised, as needed, including as part of the regular meeting, or immediately
before the meeting for convenience.
is responsible for ensuring that work health and safety measures are
in place for all who attend the site visit. Committee members must follow any requirements of the
proponent, including work health and safety requirements, while on site.
Meeting venue and format
Committee meetings may be held
in person at or
via MS Teams/Zoom/Google meets or similar collaboration tool or
as a mix of in person and online meetings
Meeting time
The normal meeting time will be to , unless the chairperson proposes an alternative.
(year of/12 months to)
(4 weeks)
(2 weeks)
(The proponent)
(insert venue)
Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
Terms of reference 4
Meeting procedures
Meeting agenda
The chairperson will call for agenda items at least before the scheduled meeting.
The chairperson will distribute the agenda and any supporting documents to committee members at
least before the meeting.
The chairperson may decide if the committee will consider late items at the meeting or defer them
to a following one. This includes:
late agenda items raised after the agenda has been circulated
late supporting documents provided within a week of the meeting
late agenda items proposed by a committee member during the meeting.
The chairperson should consider how much time the committee members will need to review and
consider the matters adequately, if enough information has been provided to discuss the matter, as
well as its urgency and importance.
Standard agenda items
Declarations of interest should be included as a standard agenda item at the start of each
meeting. It is the responsibility of each member to keep their declaration of interests up to date.
Annual agenda items
A discussion and approval of these terms of reference must be included as an annual agenda
Meeting minutes
The chairperson (or identified note-taker) will take minutes for each committee meeting.
These minutes are not expected to be a verbatim record of the proceedings but must accurately
summarise the matters that were discussed at the meeting, including:
any community feedback expressed, and enquiries made
any opposing views of members on a matter (recorded on request)
any actions to be taken before the next meeting, who is responsible for them, and by when.
(4 weeks)
(one week)
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Terms of reference 5
The chairperson will distribute draft minutes to all committee members within of the
meeting. Within 2 weeks of the meeting is the maximum period for distribution.
Committee members have to give their feedback.
The minutes will be finalised and published within of receiving this feedback.
If there are any disagreements between members on the minutes, the chairperson will have the final
say on the matter.
Recording of meeting
Recording of meetings by recording device, telephone or any other electronic device is
not permitted.
only permitted with agreement beforehand of the chairperson and the committee.
Meeting recordings are only for the benefit of members/chairperson and cannot be published.
Publishing of meeting recordings can only occur with permission of the chairperson.
Attendance and conduct
The chairperson should be notified as soon as possible if a community or stakeholder group member
cannot attend an upcoming meeting so that an appointed alternate member may be invited.
Other members should advise the chairperson in advance of the meeting if an alternate
representative is attending on their behalf. Any alternate representatives must sign the committee
members’ code of conduct and declaration of interest form before attending their first meeting.
The chairperson may reconvene the meeting if not enough members (including at least one
proponent member) can attend.
Observers, advisers and subject matter experts
Observers may attend a meeting, at the invitation of the chairperson. The chairperson may invite the
observer to give input into the discussions of the committee.
The committee may call upon advisers or subject matter experts, including specialist environmental
consultants or construction contractors, to attend meetings to give information as needed. The
(4 weeks)
(one week)
(2 weeks)
Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
Terms of reference 6
proponent will engage and facilitate the attendance of independent advisers or specialists for
meetings, at the request of the chairperson.
The agenda will advise if non-committee members will attend.
Everyone in attendance at the meeting must act in accordance with the relevant committee code of
conduct. Each committee member is to verbally re-confirm their commitment to abide by the code of
conduct on an annual basis. This should be recorded in the meeting minutes.
Changes to membership
The chairperson will inform the committee of any newly appointed members or other changes to
The chairperson will annually review a committee’s performance and effectiveness over the
previous 12 months. The committee may update the terms of reference following the review.
agrees to these terms of reference as at
and they will remain in force until otherwise changed, replaced or voided.
Signature: Date:
(insert project committee)
(insert given name and family name)