Prepared by: Dionne A. Falconer, Consultant
January 2014
Board Committee Terms
of Reference Template
© 2014 The Ontario Organizational Development Program (OODP)
Copyright Statement
Production of Board Committee Terms of Reference Template has been made possible
through financial contributions by the AIDS Bureau, AIDS and Hepatitis C Programs, Ministry
of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario.
Copyright to Board Committee Terms of Reference Template is held by the Ontario
Organizational Development Program (OODP). The OODP acknowledges the contributions of
its consultant, Dionne A. Falconer, in preparing this document.
The OODP encourages the use of Board Committee Terms of Reference Template by
organizations. However, any such publication shall acknowledge OODP as the source and
Dionne A. Falconer as the Author. Its content cannot be edited or otherwise altered without
permission of the OODP.
© 2014 The Ontario Organizational Development Program (OODP)
[insert name of Board Committee]
Terms of Reference
1.0 Role
[identify overall purpose of the committee]
2.0 Responsibilities
[identify key duties of the committee, e.g. provide direction and general
guidance; review and give input on draft documents; champion the process].
3.0 Membership
The [insert Board committee name] will consist of [insert #] individuals. [identify key
characteristics of the individuals, if relevant, e.g. Board members, staff, community
members, people living with HIV.]
[identify non-voting members, e.g. The Board Chair [and/or Executive Director] will be an ex-
officio member without vote.]
A committee member who does not uphold their responsibilities or misses [insert #]
meetings without a reasonable explanation will be asked by the Chair to resign from the
committee. If the member refuses to resign, a vote shall be taken on the removal of the
member from the committee.
4.0 Meetings
The [insert Board committee name] will meet [identify frequency, e.g. once a week, twice
per month]. The meetings may be in-person, by teleconference or electronically, e.g. Skype.
If a member is not able to participate in a meeting, that member can speak to the Chair in
advance so that the Chair can share the member’s perspective at the meeting. That member
may also submit written comments or documentation in advance of the meeting.
Submissions required for a meeting that are made after said meeting will not be considered
for decision-making.
© 2014 The Ontario Organizational Development Program (OODP)
5.0 Term
[insert period of time or start and end date, e.g. one year or April 2014 to March 2015].
6.0 Chair
The Chair will be a Board member determined by the Board of Directors.
The Chair shall:
Call meetings of the committee.
Chair meetings of the committee.
Designate another Board member who is a committee member to chair the
committee in the Chair’s absence.
Report to the Board on the work of the committee.
7.0 Quorum
Quorum shall be simple majority (50%+1) of the voting committee members present at a
8.0 Decision-making
The committee shall strive for consensus (i.e. “you can live with the decision/idea”) when
making decisions. If consensus cannot be achieved, the committee members must agree on
how to deal with the outstanding issue, i.e. vote, continue discussion, table the issue to
another meeting or take the issue to the Board of Directors.
When voting, majority (50%+1) rules with quorum present. There shall be no proxy or email
voting unless explicitly determined by the committee in advance of a vote.
The committee cannot commit the use of the organization’s financial and human resources
without prior approval from the Executive Director. In the absence of the Executive Director,
approval may be sought from the Board Chair or Executive Committee.
9.0 Minutes
The staff supporting the committee [or insert position] shall take minutes at the committee
meetings and the minutes shall be approved at subsequent meetings. Minutes will be kept
and stored in accordance with the organization’s practice.
10.0 Guests
The Chair may invite guests to attend meetings as a resource as required.
© 2014 The Ontario Organizational Development Program (OODP)
11.0 Accountability
The [insert Board committee name] will be accountable to the Board of Directors through
the Chair of the committee.
Approved by Board of Directors: [insert date]
Reviewed by Board of Directors: [insert date]