Correspondence to: Tony E. Grift, Energy Biosciences Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1206 West Gregory Drive, Urbana,
IL 61801-3838, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
Authors contributed equally to the paper.
© 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Lignocellulosic biomass
feedstock transportation
alternatives, logistics,
equipment confi gurations,
and modeling
Zewei Miao,
Yogendra Shastri,
Tony E. Grift, Alan C. Hansen and K.C. Ting, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
Received October 17, 2011; revised November 23, 2011; accepted November 24, 2011
View online February 17, 2012 at Wiley Online Library (; DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1322;
Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012)
Abstract: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation bridges biomass production, transformation, and
conversion into a complete bioenergy system. Transportation and associated logistics account for a major portion
of the total feedstock supply cost and energy consumption, and therefore improvements in transportation can sub-
stantially improve the cost-competitiveness of the bioenergy sector as a whole. The biomass form, intended end use,
supply and demand locations, and equipment and facility availability further affect the performance of the transporta-
tion system. The sustainability of the delivery system thus requires optimized logistic chains, cost-effective transpor-
tation alternatives, standardized facility design and equipment confi gurations, effi cient regulations, and environmental
impact analysis. These issues have been studied rigorously in the last decade. It is therefore prudent to comprehen-
sively review the existing literature, which can then support systematic design of a feedstock transportation system.
The paper reviews the major transportation alternatives and logistics and the implementation of those for various
types of energy crops such as energy grasses, short-rotation woody coppices, and agricultural residue. It emphasizes
the importance of performance-based equipment confi guration, standard regulations, and rules for calculating trans-
port cost of delivery systems. Finally, the principles, approaches, and further direction of lignocellulosic feedstock
transportation modeling are reviewed and analyzed. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Keywords: bioenergy; mechanical pre-processing and handling; performance-based standard and regulations;
feedstock delivery systems
352 © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Z Miao et al. Review: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation
comprehensively review the existing literature on these top-
ics, so as to conduct a systematic analysis and innovative
design of a feedstock transportation system.  is is the goal
of this review. Additionally, the review draws conclusions
and provides recommendations based on the literature.
Potential biomass transportation modes
e transportation options of lignocellulosic feedstock
include roads, railways, waterways, pipelines, and/or a
combination of two or multiple options.
e most
likely means of biomass transportation is by road using
in- eld bale-mover tractor, haulage wagon, tractor-trailer
combinations, truck-tractor-semi-trailer combinations, or
a container lorry, especially for small- and medium-scale
transportation requirements. Road transport is generally
applied for relatively short distances (<100 km) when  ex-
ibility is required and multiple (small) farm sites have to
be accessed, or when rail and waterway infrastructure is
For instance, about 80% of pulpwood deliv-
ered to US mills in 1996 arrived by truck.
In Austria,
where typical road transportation of biomass for heating and
combined heat and power (CHP) ranges from 20 to 120 km,
tractor trailers are commonly used for short distance trans-
port (about 10 km) of unchopped thinning residues, forest
wood chips, and various herbaceous feedstock.
road transportation has low  xed costs, it has higher vari-
able costs such as fuel consumption, labor, tires, and wear
costs. For example, in the USA, the delivery cost of switch-
grass was 14.68 $ Mg
(USD in 2000) including average
truck cost of 8.44 $ Mg
and loader cost of $2.98 Mg
e energy consumption of road transport over a distance
of 100 km accounts for roughly 10% of the biomass inherent
energy content.
One must also consider the infrastructure
limitations, tra c congestion, and environmental impact
resulting in indirect costs. More than 15 truck deliveries per
hour are required for a biore nery consuming 12 Tg of dry
corn stover per year causing tra c congestions.
As the
biore nery size increases, a larger collection area and longer
transport distances are necessary to ensure year-round sup-
ply, which exacerbates these problems. Moreover, dedicated
and long-term storage facilities will be necessary since a
biore nery may typically store only up to 710 days of bio-
mass feedstock supply.
erefore, an assumption of single
he emphasis on biomass-based renewable energy,
including heat, power, and liquid fuels, has increased
in recent years owing to the depleting fossil fuel sup-
plies, increasing concerns regarding energy security, oil
price spikes, and climate change caused by greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions from fossil fuel consumption.
Consequently, a challenging target of replacing an equivalent
of 30% of current US petroleum consumption by biomass-
based fuel has been set. Toward achieving that objective, it
has been shown that 1.4 Gt of lignocellulosic feedstock can
potentially be made available in a sustainable manner in the
USA. Agricultural feedstock is expected to satisfy a major
portion of the total biomass demand.
A sustainable, reliable, and cost-e ective biomass feedstock
delivery system is a pre-requisite for successfully achieving
the proposed targets. Such a system typically incorporates
in- eld harvest and collection, mechanical pre-processing,
handling, on-farm storage, transportation from farms to
storage facilities and from storage facilities to feedstock end-
users (e.g. a biore nery).
us, it is a complex combina-
tion of ‘many-to-few’ and ‘one-to-one’ collection-handling-
processing-storage-delivery logistics.
Moreover, the
lignocellulosic feedstock is characterized by a low dry matter
density (64–224 kg m
), low energy density (1017 MJ kg
limited  owability, irregular forms, and high moisture in
some cases, especially for agricultural residues and green
is increases the feedstock transportation cost
and logistic complications. Previous studies have illustrated
that the transportation costs represent between 13% and
28% of biomass production and provision costs, depending
on the biomass densi cation level and transportation mode.
A cost-competitive and reliable feedstock transporta-
tion system requires not only the optimization of delivery
logistics, transport modes and pathways (or route), but also
the con guration of processing, handling, and transporta-
tion equipment and facilities in terms of biore nery plant
size and conversion technology.
e design and operation
of the transportation system signi cantly depends on the
intended use of biomass, feedstock type and productiv-
ity, geographical location, and natural resource availabil-
ity. ese issues have been discussed in the literature, but
o en independently.  erefore, it becomes necessary to
© 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 353
Review: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation Z Miao et al.
operating costs, the large demand and supply rates for
lignocellulosic feedstock may justify the development of a
pipeline network. It has been shown that by using a slurry of
wood chips, pipelines would be economical in comparison
to delivery by trucks only at large capacity (greater than 0.5
million dry tons per year for a one-way pipeline, and 1.25
million dry tons per year for a two-way pipeline that returns
the carrier  uid to the pipeline inlet), and at medium to long
distances (greater than 75 km for one-way and 470 km for
two-way at a capacity of 2 million dry tons per year). For
corn stover at 20% of solids concentration or higher, pipe-
line transport is more economical than truck transport at
capacities greater than 1.4 million dry tons per year when
compared to a mid-range of truck transport costs. In addi-
tion to taking advantage of the economy of scale of the plant,
transportation using pipeline also o ers the opportunity
to implement innovative logistics such as simultaneous
transportation and sacchari cation of biomass.
challenges include maintaining the feedstock quality and
stability as it mixes with the carrier  uid, and providing a
large amount of water resource. Maintaining pipeline tem-
peratures and prevent them from freezing will also be criti-
cal and may restrict their use to limited regions.
Intermodal transportation combining multiple transpor-
tation types may be a solution for a large-scale biore nery.
Here, two or more modes of transportation are combined
without changing the containment, and may require the
development of facility or infrastructure such as distribution
centers (e.g. centralized storage or depot facilities).
One likely example is the combination of road transport
with rail or waterway transport, as done in Australia for
transporting sugarcane to the mills.
Trucks or trailors
can be used for on-farm collection, short distance hauling to
a local storage, processing or depot facility alongside a rail
track or waterways.  e feedstock can then be loaded onto
rail cars or ships (a er possible short-term storage) and trans-
ported directly to the mill.  e nal leg of transportation
for local distribution can again be carried out by road.  us,
intermodal transportation typically takes advantage of the
low variable costs for rail or waterborne transportation and
high exibility of road transportation.
e mills can have
dedicated railway tracks or waterways to ensure that the feed-
stock supply is reliable and meets the biore nery demands. A
similar arrangement using pipeline transportation can also be
biomass transportation mode could be overly simplistic and
not really optimum.
Rail transportation usually requires a large  xed invest-
ment to develop infrastructure and o ers lower  exibility.
However, it becomes cost-e ective for medium to long
overland transport distances (>100 km) involving stable and
constant  ow of goods.  is is owing to its low variable cost,
especially for logs, bales, bundles and industrial densi ed
biomass (e.g. pellet, briquette, bagged powder, wood saw, or
sorghum chip modules).
For example, in Alberta, Canada,
the distance variable cost for rail transport of straw and
wood chips was 0.0277 and 0.0306 $ dry Mg
in 2004), respectively.  ese were signi cantly lower than
0.1309 and 0.1114 $ dry Mg
(USD in 2004) for road
e  xed costs for rail transport, however,
were 17.01 and 9.97 $ dry Mg
(USD in 2004), respec-
tively, which were signi cantly higher than 4.76 and 4.98 $
dry Mg
(USD in 2004) for road transport.  e railcar
equipment cost is a function of biomass type, form, quantity
and distance to be transported.
e cost bene ts of rail
transport for long-distance and large-scale feedstock deliv-
ery also depend on the availability of return freights, trans-
fer terminal policies and route infrastructure.
Waterborne transportation is applied for long distances,
especially in international transport. It has a cost struc-
ture similar to rail transportation, requiring high capital
investment in ships and freighters, but incurring low vari-
able costs and low energy use per Mg-km.
It is especially
relevant for the transportation of pellets or briquettes, which
are becoming an internationally traded feedstock form. In
Scandinavia, for instance, the transport of pellets by water,
within Scandinavia as well as from Canada, has become greatly
relevant for combustion and co- ring.
In Europe, long-
distance transport of pellets costs between 0.020–0.022 € dry
(euro in 2003) (0.0210.023 $, USD in 2003) by train
and only between 0.0010.012 € dry Mg
(euro in 2003)
(0.0010.0126 $, USD in 2003) by ship.
In addition to pellets,
woodchips and bales (or bundles) can also be transported by
ship. Inland use of this mode of transport though is limited by
the availability of waterways such as rivers and lakes.
Pipeline transportation o ers another alternative to deliver
the low energy density biomass feedstock to a large scale
bioenergy plant.
Although pipeline transportation is
associated with high capital investment and low per-unit
354 © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Z Miao et al. Review: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation
Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock delivery
Lignocellulosic feedstock delivery logistics depend signi -
cantly on the feedstock type.
Delivery logistics of major
feedstock types such as dry energy grasses, green energy
crops, short-rotation woody biomass and agricultural resi-
dues are thus synthesized as follows (Fig. 1).
Dry energy grasses
As a major lignocellulosic feedstock source, the common
annual and perennial dry energy grasses include Miscanthus
(Miscanthus × giganteus), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum),
e coordination of intermodal transportation
is normally more complex than that of unimodal transporta-
tion, because it requires more handling (trans-loading) of
feedstock as well as interactions among several stakeholders.
In summary, an appropriate feedstock transportation
mode depends on the intended biomass use, biore nery
plant capacity, facility and infrastructure, biomass form and
quality variables, and environmental impacts. A perform-
ance-based evaluation and analysis of alternative modes
that incorporates these attributes within the transportation
logistics framework along with equipment con gurations is
therefore required.
Farm n
transport for
short distance
Two- or multi-pass
harvest: cutting-
windrow-baling (or
Combustion for
heating and
fermentation or
pyrolysis for
liquid biofuel
Handling: bulk
augering, belt
conveying, compression
in trailer or container
Farm 1
Farm 2
“Many-to-few” short distance transport
Dry grass energy crop yield: 7-
25 Mg ha
; MC: 10-20%.
SRW yield: 7-30 Mg ha
MC: 10-20%;
Crop residue: 1-10 Mg ha
MC: 20-70%.
Centralized storage with
container, bag, silo, silage
tubes, large vertical
“Many-to-few” or “One-to-one” long distance transport
System self-adaption in equipment, facility and infrastructure
configurations based on real-time weather, traffic and market demand
harvest: cutting-
Farm buffer or local-
distributed intermediate
storage with container,
silo or silage tubes
Handling with
trailer dumping,
augering or belt
Road, rail or
transport for
long distance
Farm buffer or local-
distributed intermediate
bale (or bundle) storage
and preprocessing
Centralized storage,
processing and depot
facility with grinding,
pelleting or torrefaction
Feedstock supply interface
Handling: Bale lifting,
stacking, turning or
tarpping or wrapping
Road, rail or
transport for
long distance
transport for
short distance
Road and rail
transport for
long distance
Road, rail
transport for
long distance
Handling: Bale lifting,
stacking, turning or
tarpping or wrapping
Farm n
Single or two-pass
harvest: cutting-drying-
baling (bundling or
moduling) or ratooning
for low sugar species
Combustion for
heating and
fermentation or
pyrolysis for
liquid biofuel
Farm 1
Farm 2
Green energy crop:
yield: 14-35 Mg ha
; MC: 15-80%.
Single-pass harvest:
cutting-loading for high-
sugar species
intermediate bale
drying or wet storage
Centralized storage, pre-
processing facility drying or
wet storage, preprocessing or
Feedstock supply interface
and juicing
Conversion to
liquid bioethanol
Drying, grinding or
Figure 1. Schematic chart of lignocellulosic feedstock delivery logistics of (a) dry grass energy crops, short rotation woody coppice, crop residues
and (b) green energy crops. Feedstock drying or wet storage and preprocessing are the major differences in supply logistics between dry and
green energy crops. Note: MC – moisture content (%).
© 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 355
Review: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation Z Miao et al.
and transport owable feedstock to end-users with standard
equipment and management procedure.
We recommend a
hybrid delivery scenario combining the advantages of baling
at the farm-gate followed by intermediate pre-processing to a
standardized uniform particle supply, where the uniformity
refers to the physical and chemical properties of the feed-
In this scenario, bales are transported from a farm
to a centralized facility for storage and comminution. Here,
a horizontal or tub grinder (chopper or shredder) and large-
scale grinding facility (e.g. pilot demonstration unit (PDU)
developed by Idaho National Lab of the US Department
of Energy) is used to produce  ne particles based on the
demands of the biore nery. e uniform particles are trans-
ported immediately to the biore nery at a constant supply
rate with standard handling and transport equipment and
e bioenergy plant capacity signi cantly a ects the
logistics and e ciency of dry grass feedstock delivery. For
a small Miscanthus-burning power plant with less than 20
km transport distance, the total transportation cost of 3-cm
Miscanthus chips was 35% of that of bales and much lower
than that of pellets.
Bales or pellets (briquettes or cubes)
are widely considered as an e cient form for a medium or
large combustion-power plant. For a large-scale bioenergy
plant, multiple storage (e.g. storage and processing depots)
units and intermodal transportation can be employed.  e
optimization of satellite storage locations or centralized stor-
age and processing facility becomes important for a local-
distributed depot processing-delivery system.
Short-rotation woody (SRW) feedstocks
In North America, the SRW energy crops mainly include
black willow (Salix nigra M.), hybrid poplar (Populus
hybrids), cottonwood (Populus deltoides), American syca-
more (Platanus occidentalis L.), slash pine (Pinus elliottii),
loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), sweetgum (Liquidambar
styraci ua L.), leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)), and
castor bean (Rininus communis).
SRW plantations are
featured with high moisture content, high yield, multiple-
stem plantations, and spatial harvest rotations of tree shoots
over 2–5 years for at least 30 years. For example, average
UK commercial willow feedstock yield is 718 Mg DM ha
which are within the yield range of spring harvested
prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata), reed canary grass
(Phalaris arundinacea L.), elephant grass (Pennisetum
purpureum Schumach.), big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii),
and eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides). Dry energy
grass feedstock is characterized by high biomass yield, sea-
sonal availability, low moisture content, low packing bulk
density, and signi cant biomass loss during harvesting,
processing and delivery.  e average dry matter yield of
Miscanthus × giganteus ranges from 7 to 25 Mg ha
e harvest-to-delivery logistics of dry herbaceous energy
crops require large equipment for harvest, preprocessing
and handling, high volumetric capacity of transportation
vehicles, and large storage facilities. Low moisture of the dry
grass feedstock makes storage relatively easy. For instance,
the moisture content of Miscanthus and switchgrass ranges
from 10 to 20% when harvesting in late fall and early spring,
respectively, at the Energy Farm of the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign.  rough in- eld windrowing, the
moisture content of Miscanthus and switchgrass reached
as low as 10–15%, the baling moisture level.
Dry grass
feedstock could then be stored in bales or in bulk form at
intermediate facilities such as open air shield, on-farm bu er
(with or without tarp or wrapping), silage pits, bunkers, or
existing farm buildings.
e seasonal availability and
yield uncertainty caused by weather may increase the cost of
obtaining these resources, while leading to suboptimal uti-
lization of the harvesting and on-farm handling equipment,
workforce as well as storage space.
Mechanical densi cation, size reduction, and torrefac-
tion take a crucial role in converting grass biomass from
highly variable resources into a reliable commodity for
bio-based industries. However, mechanical comminution
and compression of dry grasses o en represents a major
portion of the supply costs, with some estimates placing
it at 20 to 40% of the total biomass-to-biofuel cost.
commercial-scale hammer mills, for instance, energy con-
sumption for grinding switchgrass through 0.8 mm and
hardwood through 1.6 mm mill screens are between 1–3%
of their inherent heating value.
e location and time of
size reduction, densi cation and/or torrefaction also in u-
ences the e ciency of the whole supply logistics.  ere is
an argument to place size reduction, densi cation, and tor-
refactions before transportation and to uniformly handle
356 © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Z Miao et al. Review: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation
1435 Mg DM ha
.  e harvesting and transportation logis-
tics of forage sorghum are expected to be similar to those for
dry grass energy crops. If sorghum moisture is in the bal-
ing range, forage chopping is a convenient mean of harvest.
e harvested sweet sorghum must be shredded and juiced
within 1648 h due to high sugar fraction.  e logistics and
equipment of shredding (or chopping) and extracting sugar
from sugarcane could be a paradigm for sweet sorghum. For
some regions, energy sorghum management practices (e.g.
ratooning) included multiple harvests in a single season and
just-in-time’ harvest systems, thereby requiring minimal
With proper management practices, sorghum
moisture can reduce to the 1520% range required for
e harvest and transportation operations of energy
cane are governed by the composition of the energy cane.
Varieties with high sugar content need to be processes
quickly, while those with high  ber and low sugar contents
can be processed and handled similar to grass or woody bio-
mass.  e current harvesting, handling, and pre-processing
technologies and equipment for energy cane are similar to
those for sugarcane due to the similar physical characteris-
e energy cane systems comprise soldier harvesters
or combines that chop the cane into billets. Preliminary
studies have shown that the total transportation cost for
energy cane is in the range of 4–5 $ Mg
, which is about
14% of the total production cost.
e storage and com-
minution of energy cane billet and bagasse are challenging
because of its high moisture, low storability and grindability.
Similar to sweet sorghum, harvest management and ratoon-
ing of energy cane can reduce the storage requirements.
Agricultural residues
Agricultural residues mainly include arable crop residues,
and stalk and branch residues from orchard and horticul-
tural plants. Hereina er, we mainly discuss crop residue
delivery logistics.
Crop residues including crop straw or stover, cotton- and
sun ower-stalk, are characterized by seasonal availability,
low bulk density, and uncertain moisture content. Biomass
yields of crop residues range from 110 Mg DM ha
which is signi cantly lower than that of energy crops.
e moisture content of corn stover, soybean stems and
Miscanthus × giganteus of 7–25 Mg DM ha
.  e mois-
ture content of winter-harvested willow generally is in the
range of 40–55% at harvest.  us, drying of SRW feedstock
from about 40–50% (dry basis) to less than 15% (dry basis) is
e SRW harvest-to-delivery logistics and equipment
requirement is usually composed either of single-pass
cutting (or slashing)-bundling, cutting-baling or cutting-
chipping, or two-pass cutting-baling or cutting-bundling
systems. In North America, cutting (or slashing)-baling or
cutting-chipping systems are more popular for SRW cop-
pice, while cutting-bundling harvest equipment is widely
used in Europe.  e SRW harvest-to-delivery can use the
equipment for harvesting and transporting understory for-
est biomass feedstock. A comparative study of the single-
pass Biobaler and a two-pass Fecon mulcher cutting head
combined with a Claas baling system showed that by using
the single-pass Biobaler system, biomass loss (57%) is 9%
higher than that of the two-pass Fecon mulcher/Claas baler
system (48%). However, the cost of the Biobaler system per
unit area (320.91 $ ha
) was lower than that of the mulcher/
Claas baler two-pass system (336.62–596.77 $ ha
cutting, baling and handling systems for SRW coppice usu-
ally consume more energy than that for the energy grasses.
For example, for baling SRW crops, the Biobaler MT565B
and WB55 required a minimum PTO power of 108135 kW,
which is higher than the 75–90 kW of the New Holland 9000
series balers for grass energy crops.
SRW bales and chips
are suitable to be transported by road for short-distances. In
some cases, the SRW coppices are also densi ed to pellets on
farm or at satellite and centralized pellet mills. Pellets from
SRW coppices can be transported over long-distances for
regional or international trade by rail or ship.
Green energy crops
Green energy crops mainly include di erent varieties of sor-
ghum and energy cane. High moisture content, high yield,
and the associated quality issues o en lead to collection
and logistics that are di erent from those for the dry energy
e sorghum varieties include grain sorghum, forage
sorghum, sweet sorghum, and photoperiod-sensitive
e average yield of energy sorghum is between
© 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 357
Review: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation Z Miao et al.
Performance-based standardizations and
confi gurations of feedstock preprocessing,
handling and transport equipment, and
Non-standardized and diversi ed equipment, vehicles,
and management procedures create barriers to simplify
feedstock delivery logistics and streamline supply manage-
Presently, there is a lack of specialized equipment,
facility, and management regulations for harvesting, pre-
processing, handling, transporting, and storing dedicated
energy crops.  e majority of existing equipment, facility,
management procedures and regulations used for energy
crops were designed for agricultural crop, forage, or forest
residues rather than dedicated energy crops. For instance,
14.6-m trailers are commonly used to deliver forage bale, but
15.8-m and 16.2-m trailers or truck beds are also employed
in the USA. For a self-loading-self-unloading bale-hauling
truck, a hydraulic bale pick-up arm can place about 36–40
bales on the bed, but a 15.8-m  atbed truck can only haul
about 25 bales with a bale size of 0.9×1.2×2.1 m. Walking
oor trucks are able to transport 10, 000 kg (~100m
of Miscanthus chips.
erefore, performance-based
evaluation and standardization of the transport vehicles,
handling and processing equipment, storage facilities, and
management procedures are needed to improve delivery
e ciency and enforce regulations and policies of feedstock
Specialized delivery equipment and facili-
ties should be developed for dedicated energy crops.
e standardization of transport equipment and manage-
ment regulations has to consider the biomass form, properties,
and biofuel conversion technology.
Hess et al. reported that
the standardized uniform or advanced uniform supply logis-
tic and equipment can increase e ciencies by comminuting
biomass feedstock to small sizes and improving bulk-handling
e ciency and bulk density.
Miao et al. suggested that the
volumetric  ow e ciencies of Miscanthus and switchgrass
particles ground through a 12.7-mm screen by tub grinder are
2.0 and 2.8 times higher than the counterparts of the particles
through the 25.4-mm screen, respectively.
However, biomass
form and properties such as size, weight, and bulk density vary
with farm and species. For instance, among the 1.1×0.8×
1.1-m, 1.2×1.2×2.4-m or 0.9×0.9×2.1-m rectangular
leaves, rice straw and sun ower stalk varies between 30%
and 70%, while the moisture contents of wheat, oat and bar-
ley straw range from 10% to 20%. Natural windrowing or
arti cial drying is the critical step for some green residues,
for example, early harvest crop residues.
e collection and delivery of crop residues have o en
been integrated with harvest and processing of the primary
products (e.g. grain, oil seed, or fruit).  ere are two types
of harvest-to-delivery systems commonly used for crop resi-
dues: (i) delivery of the whole crop (e.g. single-pass one- or
two-stream systems) including feedstock and grain harvest
altogether, and (ii) delivery of the primary product (grain or
fruit) and agriculture residues separately (by-product) (e.g.
conventional two-pass harvesting system).
systems are usually regarded as an e cient way to decrease
biomass loss and collect more feedstock than that of the
conventional two-pass systems.  e residue obtained from
the two-pass system may be contaminated with soil in the
process of in- eld windrowing.
By setting the com-
bine mower header at ground level, the one-pass combine
machine collected approximately 2.5 Mg ha
more wheat-
straw than swathing and baling following windrowing.
Richey et al. reported that the collection of corn stover by
baling or stacking following windrowing recovered only
about 50% of the windrowed material.
e harvest-to-delivery technology and equipment for
crop residues are more complicated and more seasonal than
those for forage and energy grass because the crop harvest,
processing, and delivery operations have to manage the
grain as well as the residues. For the single-pass harvester,
the two-stream harvest combine is more popular for grain
crops, while the one-stream equipment is o en adapted for
prairie grass.  e capacities of the in- eld bale pick-up, haul-
age trailer and the intermediate storage facility of crop resi-
dues are smaller than those for the energy crops. Similar to
grass energy crops, bulk densities of large bales and modules
of corn stover are only 200 and 110 kg DM m
, respectively,
and densi cation of crop residues is required to reduce
the transportation and storage costs. Local delivery from
eld to an intermediate storage facility takes an important
role because of the lower feedstock yield of crop residues,
and is mainly by road transport with a tractor-wagon or
358 © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Z Miao et al. Review: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation
links) to analyze storage and transportation options. Shastri
et al.
developed a system-level MILP model called
BioFeed that optimizes annual transportation  eet sizing
and scheduling. Other MILP model applications in feedstock
industry include Mapemba et al.,
Milan et al.,
et al.,
and Cundi et al.
Discrete-event simulation and system dynamics
e IBSAL (Integrated Biomass Supply and Logistics) model
adopted the DES approach to simulate biomass feedstock supply
Iannoni and Morabito
applied the DES approach
to sugarcane logistics from farms to the mill. Mukunda et al.
applied DES to corn-stover logistics for a biore nery, while
Ravula et al.
used DES to compare various policy strate-
gies for scheduling trucks in cotton-gin logistics systems and
biomass transportation for ethanol production. Similar to
discrete event simulation, the system dynamic approach has
been used to investigate the impacts of biomass feedstock price,
transportation costs, and government regulations/incentives on
the growth of the US corn ethanol industry.
Queuing theory
Applications of queuing theory for a vehicle routing problem
can be found in Van Woensel et al.,
Vandaele et al.,
and MacGregor Smith,
and Kang et al.
Heuristic and agent-based models
A multi-objective heuristic approach has been employed
to optimize forest biomass supply chains.
developed a multi-agent-based simulator (TAPAS) to explore
the in uence of transport policies on decision-making in
transport chains.  e Argonne National Laboratory of the
US Department of Energy developed an agent-based model
to analyze alternative combinations of energy production
and delivery systems and determine the best transportation
in terms of cost, safety, and energy e ciency. Sche ran and
BenDor developed a spatial-agent dynamic model to investi-
gate the in uence of decision rules, demands, prices, subsides,
carbon credits, the location of ethanol plants and transporta-
tion patterns on energy crop production in Illinois (USA).
Artifi cial Neural Networks
used the supervised learning method of neural net-
works to simulate freight distribution. NREL (US National
Miscanthus and switchgrass bales, the weights range from 570
to 720 kg DM and from 280 to 350 kg DM, respectively.
densities of corn stover and switchgrass pellets and briquettes
range from about 352 to 609 kg m
Standardization of end-
users’ feedstock demand and biore nery technology is a pre-
requisite to standardize feedstock preprocessing and handling
equipment, delivery vehicles, and storage facilities.
Standard delivery vehicles should be multipurpose and
infrastructure compatible, and be able to transport not only
high weight load, but also high volume load.  e specialized
vehicles and facilities must remain within certain parameters
such as axle mass limits and comply with local tra c laws
and regulations.
In South Africa, for instance, a  eet
of vehicles for sugarcane transport must comply with a set of
regulations, which specify limits on length, power-to-weight-
ratio, axle loadings, and gross mass.
According to US road
tra c rules for bale trailers, the steering axle weight should
not exceed 5440 kg and the second and third axle weights
should not exceed 15 400 kg per axle.  e total weight of truck
and biomass should not exceed 36 000 kg. Fixed trucks, which
are less than 12.2-m in length, allow more maneuverability in
tra c-tight areas.
ese factors must be considered while
designing the performance-standardized equipment.
Biomass feedstock transportation logistic
e complexity and interdependency of challenges high-
lighted in the preceding sections motivate the use of system-
level mathematical modeling approaches for simulating and
optimizing biomass transportation logistics.  ese models
usually include biomass production, feedstock transforma-
tion, and supply and demand components, which are viewed
from economic, environmental, and even social perspec-
In the past, two major types of models have been
developed for feedstock delivery: optimization models, and
event- (or process) based simulation models.
In recent
times, heuristic, agent-based, and arti cial intelligent self-
learning and self-adaptive models have also gained popular-
ity and acceptance.  ese are brie y described below:
Mathematical programming
De Mol et al.
proposed an MILP (mixed integer linear
programming) model using a network map (nodes and
© 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 359
Review: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation Z Miao et al.
combination with biore nery capacity, feedstock type and
form, intended use, storage and pretreatment technology,
handling and processing equipment, infrastructure speci-
cations, and geo-spatial features.  e optimal selection
should be aided by performance-based standardization of
feedstock forms, delivery equipment, facility and regula-
tions. ere is an argument to place mechanical (and tor-
refaction) pre-processing before transportation and storage,
and incorporate storage with pretreatment to unify the
lignocellulosic feedstock transportations.
Transportation logistics and equipment con guration are
substantially dependent upon feedstock features. For prairie
grass energy crops and agricultural residues, densi ca-
tion (including torrefaction), and size reduction are crucial
logistical steps to improve feedstock delivery e ciency. For
short-rotation woody biomass and green biomass stock, nat-
ural or forced drying may be necessary to control biomass
degradation during transportation and storage.  e review
identi ed that there is a lack of literature on performance-
based evaluation and design of feedstock supply procedures,
equipment, facility, transportation regulation and policy. An
integrated framework that addresses these challenges will
be useful to develop a biomass transportation model and
management system at an operational level. To standardize
the feedstock delivery systems, the e ciency modeling of
feedstock delivery systems should be based on the currency
purchase power parity or the ratio of energy consumption of
the systems to inherent heating value of the feedstock.
e work was funded by the Energy Biosciences Institute
of the University of Illinois, through a program titled
‘Engineering solutions for biomass feedstock production.
e authors appreciate the constructive comments of Dr
Heather Youngs in the writing of this paper.
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Among these modeling approaches, the mathematic pro-
gramming, heuristic, agent-based, and neural network model
are more applicable to strategic planning and management
analysis. Queuing theory, discrete event simulation and
system dynamic could be used to develop event- or process-
based model at feedstock delivery tactical and operational
levels by combining with real-time geo-referenced informa-
tion and technology.  e operational level models should
preferably include spatially explicit real time weather and traf-
c conditions, route optimization,  eet tracking, and facility
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be calibrated and validated using a real system, which is o en
challenging. It is also important to ensure uniformity in the
evaluation criteria across multiple models.  is is especially
true for non-economic performance measures such as energy
consumption. Here, we recommend the use of percentage of
inherent heating value (PIHV) to quantify energy consump-
tion and compare alternatives.  e PIHV of an operation
gives the percentage of the inherent heating value of the
biomass that is used up for that operation.
For economic
analysis, currency purchase power parity rather than simple
US dollar or euro currencies should be adopted as the rules of
Conclusion and recommendations
Transportation is a crucial component of the biomass pro-
duction system. Di erent modes of transportation, includ-
ing roads, railways, waterways, pipelines, and combinations
of these, have been extensively studied in the literature.
Currently, road transport is the most preferred alternative,
primarily due to the high  exibility o ered at relatively
short collection distances. As transportation distance and
feedstock demands grow, intermodal transportation incor-
porating rail, waterways or pipeline will need to be con-
sidered. However, the design of a cost-e ective and reliable
transportation system goes beyond simple mode selection
and includes the consideration of farm, storage, and biore-
nery sites, transportation mode availability, equipment
and facility con gurations, regulation, policy and environ-
mental impact analysis. ese issues must be considered in
360 © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
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Zewei Miao
Zewei Miao, PhD, is a Research Assistant
Professor in biomass feedstock preprocess-
ing and transportation at Energy Biosciences
Institute, University of Illinois. He has worked
in ecological and environmental modeling at
the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Catholic
University of Italy, Canadian Forest Services,
McGill University, and Rutgers University.
362 © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 6:351–362 (2012); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Z Miao et al. Review: Lignocellulosic biomass feedstock transportation
Yogendra Shastri
Yogendra Shastri, PhD, is a Research Assist-
ant Professor at Energy Biosciences Institute,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
He is a chemical engineer with a PhD in
Bioengineering from the University of Illinois.
His expertise is in developing and applying
systems-theory-based approaches in the field
of bioenergy and sustainability.
Tony E. Grift
Tony E. Grift, PhD, is an Associate Professor
of the Department of Agricultural and Biologi-
cal Engineering, University of Illinois. As a
principal investigator, he is leading the Bio-
mass Transportation Task within a program
titled ‘Engineering Solutions for Biomass
Feedstock Production’, which is part of the
BP-funded Energy Biosciences Institute.
Alan C. Hansen
Alan C. Hansen received his PhD from the
University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa,
where he joined the Department of Agricul-
tural Engineering in 1979 as faculty before
transferring to the University of Illinois in
1999. His research interests include biofuels
and biomass feedstock production.
K.C. Ting
K.C. Ting, PhD, PE, is Professor and Head
of the Agricultural and Biological Engineer-
ing Department, University of Illinois. He
specializes in agricultural systems informatics
and analysis. He currently leads a BP Energy
Biosciences Institute program on ‘Engineering
Solutions for Biomass Feedstock Production’.
He is Fellow of ASABE and ASME.